Chapter 1.

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One year later..


I sat in my class trying my hardest to stay wake. It was hard because it was dead quiet.

Only thing you could hear were the typing on the computers and the vent blowing out cold air.

I was just about to lay my head down until I seen something crawling behind my computer.

"Oh hell no! What the hell-.."

"Izel!" The teacher called my name. "Profanity ma'am."

"I'm sorry, but you got bugs in here." I grabbed my bag and stood up.

The kid next to me chuckled and shook his head.

"What's funny?" I frowned and crossed my arms.

"Nothing, except you act like you've never seen a bug before." He looked at me while standing up. "Where is it?"

"Behind my computer." I stood back, knowing he was getting ready to kill it.

He took a piece of paper from his journal and caught it.

"Happy?" He showed me the remains of the bug.

I rolled my eyes and sat back down, now uncomfortable.

The boy returned back to his seat and looked at me. "I don't get a thank you?"

"Thanks." I gave him a fake smile.

He laughed some more and went back to typing away on his phone.

"You're used to those preppy schools? That don't have any cracks, anywhere in the school." He spoke.

"I've never attended any prep school in my life - I'm just clean and I hate bugs. Is that a problem?"

"You're scared of something smaller than you. What's your name?"


"Eye- what?" He frowned.

"It's Izel." I said it slower.

"Izel... I can dig that. I'm Reggie."

"I didn't ask."

He chuckled.

"You must have a boyfriend? But then again what boy would want to be with someone so disrespectful?"

"Why are you still talking to me? And yes, I do have a boyfriend, and he loves my disrespectful ass."

Right when I got done talking, the bell had rung.

Reggie looked me up and down before leaving the class room.

I shook my head and walked out behind him.

I don't know why I got so irritated quickly. I usually don't let people get to me like that and I lied to him. I don't have a boyfriend, I think.

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