Chapter 21.

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The next day, I was all ready to go, I just had to ask August if I could take his car.

I need to work on getting my own car because I hate depending on him for everything.

I know he'd say yes to anything I ask for, but it made me feel like a spoiled brat.

"You gon' take care of my baybeh?" He asked before giving me his keys.

"First of all, this car isn't your baybeh, I am." I took the keys from him.

"Just take care of ha', she still real tender." He chuckled. "Where you goin' anyway?"

"I have to go get a check up at the doctors. I'll be at home in probably an hour." I shrugged.

"Aight, call me when you make it home so I know you aight."

"Yes sir, love you." I gave him a kiss.

"Luh' ya mo'." He kissed back.
When I got to the clinic, I got a nervous feeling. I walked inside and seen other people here, not that many though.

"Good morning." The desk lady smiled at me. "What can I do for you?"

"I need to see if I'm pregnant."

"Okay, have you taken any pills before you came?"

"No, I haven't."

"Did you notice a change in your period?"

"I just got off my period about three weeks ago, so I wouldn't know if my period is affected or not."

"Okay, that's fine. A nurse is going to call you and ask for a sample of your urine and she's also going to swab your mouth for any diseases or anything." She started to type. "Can I get your name?"

"Izel Baptiste." Afterward, I spelled it out for her.

"You'll be called shortly." She gave me a warm smile.

I went to go sit down in the waiting area and the chairs were really cold. I looked around and most of the obviously-pregnant women were alone. I truly hope that it was by choice. I don't think August would leave me if I'm pregnant.

"Izel Bap-..." The nurse stopped and tried to read my name.

"It's Baptiste." I giggled.

"My apologies. Can you step on this scale."

I stepped onto the scale and waited a few seconds before my weight popped up.

"One-twenty." She confirmed. I need to gain weight.

I stepped off and got under the height scale. The nurse tried to push the thing down and see where I was, but she was shorter than me so she was having issues.

"Okay, step off." She giggled.

I stepped away and let her read my height. It was probably still five-ten.

"Five foot eleven." She confirmed. Guess not. "Next, I'm gonna check your blood pressure then I'm going to need you to pee in this cup. Do you have a full bladder?"


She did my blood pressure and my temperature before giving me the sealed clear cup.

I went to go handle my business then gave the nurse the cup.

She told me the doctor would be back soon with the results.

I sat down on the bed they had in there and checked my phone. August had texted me fifteen minutes ago.

It was picture of him and mama Sheila. I laughed at how funny he looked before sending him back heart eyes.

I shook my head at his silliness then locked my phone when I heard a knock

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I shook my head at his silliness then locked my phone when I heard a knock.

"Good morning, Izel, right?" The doctor shook my hand.

"Yes." I smiled "You have the results?"

"I do, and you're indeed pregnant, three weeks." He smiled. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." I played with my fingers

"Now, since it's really early, in about a month, I want you to start to calculate your due date, of course we'll have one for you but it's best to go ahead and get the date stuck in your mind, contact your GP and-.."

"My what? GP?"

"Your general practitioner. I'm going to assume you don't have one?"

"No. I rarely go to any type of hospital."

"Okay, we can deal with that, but as soon as possible because whoever your GP is going to be the one to set up appointments. The appointments won't usually start until your eighth or tenth week."

"Okay, how do I get a GP?"

"Come with me, and I'll get you all set up." He stood and we left the room.
Once the appointment was over, they gave me a little kit for my early symptoms and it had a pacifier in there too. They don't play around up in that clinic.

I sat the kit in my purse and started the car up. I texted August letting him know I was on my way home.
When I got home, I sat all my stuff down and rushed to the kitchen. I had an idea on how to tell August, which was through dinner.

I know for a fact he loved lasagna so I decided on that. I had texted him and told him to come over at six, by then everything would be ready.

I just hope this doesn't upset him

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