Chapter 26.

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A few weeks have gone by since Brittney passed, and things aren't getting better.

Zane isn't talking to anyone, he's given Lea to Travis and he hasn't even called to check on Lea or anything.

"You like this show?" I asked Lea as we watched Yo Gabba Gabba.

She shook her head and continued to mess with her doll. She doesn't really talk as much anymore and likes to be alone. She'll only eat once a day and some stuff she won't eat unless her mommy makes it, as she says.

"Call any of our names if you need us, okay?" I smiled and got up. She didn't respond.

"She straight?" August asked as I walked into his room.

"No." I sighed. "She doesn't want to talk to anyone."

"That's understandable." He shrugged.

"Has Zane called yet?"

"Nah, I'm gon' give him some time though."

"I think y'all should go see him. Just to make sure he's okay."

"We might." August shrugged. "Let me worry bout it, aight?" He put his arm around me.

"Okay." I grabbed my purse.

"Where you goin'?" He frowned.

"Going home." I giggled. "I'm sleepy and I need to take a shower."

"You smell perfectly fine and we got beds here."

"Just because I don't smell bad doesn't mean I'm not dirty, and I want my bed. I'll come back over here tomorrow maybe." I messed with his chin hair.

"Alright, let me walk you out." He got up and stretched before walking behind me.

"Don't forget about the appointment I have next week." I said before getting in the car.

"I won't, love you." He gave me a kiss and hugged me.

"I love you more. Make sure y'all feed Lea. She's only ate breakfast and an hour ago she ate her lunchable."

"Yes ma'am." He smiled.

I walked downstairs to check on Lea and saw she was watching tv while messing with her doll.

"Wassup bully." I sat down next to her.

She looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"What we watchin'?"

"You don't watch this uncle Trav." She spoke softly.

"You don't know what I be watchin'."

"It's yo gabba gabba." She cleared her throat. "It's funny."

"Really? I bet I'm funnier."

"No." She giggled.

"I'm not?" I smirked.

She shook her head while smiling back at me - She already knew what was about to happen.

I put the remote down and started to tickle her. She busted out laughing and trying to get away from me.

"I'm funnier?" I asked while laughing at her.

"Yea!" She screamed while laughing harder.

I stopped and picked up her doll for her.

"I like when mommy and daddy tickle me like that."

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