Scene 3

360 18 4

[Belmont; Portia's house]

(Enter Portia, Prince of Morocco, Prince of Aragon and Bassanio)

Portia: So, now, there are three caskets; gold, silver and base laden. Choose the right one and I'm game.

Prince Of Morocco (POM): I choose gold because Portia glistens like gold.

Portia: Wrong answer. Fuck off and remember you cannot get married. If you do, I'll cut your balls off.

POM: Awh, man. Tough break. Okay. I'm off, bye-bye!!

Prince Of Aragon (POA) (whispering to POM when he's about to pass): dude, you better go out clubbing tonight, don't wanna' die a virgin, now, do we?

POM(grinning slyly): whoever said that I am a virgin?

POA(smirking): My man, a step ahead.

(Exit Prince Of Morocco)

Portia: Next!

POA: I choose silver because Portia glistens like silver.

Portia: Wrong, get lost and no marriage.

POA(to himself): At least prostitutes are always an option. That's life.

(Exit Prince Of Aragon)

Portia: Next...oh, hey, Bassy baby!! You know that I love you, right?!

Bassanio: Yep, totally. I chose laden because I've learned from their mistakes.

Portia: Correct! Now I'm all yours! The bedroom is upstairs.

(Exit Portia and Bassanio).

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