Part 22

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Lances POV

I walk in the house and I see Keith twerking with pidge "uhh guys?" Allura is laughing so much I think she's gonna pee,I walk to Keith and slap his ass and he stands up straight fast and he gasps and I chuckle "hello baby" he turns around and says "bitch!" I smile and walk to the kitchen to find cookies and Keith yells "DONT TOUCH THE COOKIES!!" I pout and pack my stuff away and Keith jumps on me and I growl "OFF!!" I push him off and he hits his head and he yelps and allura runs in "Keith!" He shakes his head "no no,lance has been at work all day,lance why don't u get some rest" I nod and walk to mine and Keiths bedroom and then sit on the bed and sigh "he's so clingy" I yawn and fall asleep

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