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keiths POV

okay so i am pregnant again, not the best thing ever especially since laith is only 4 years old, i blame lance.

i walk into the kitchen to be met by hunk cooking, he smiles and says "hey buddy, im making cookies want to help?" i nod and walk to him and i mix things together and then there is a knock on the door and i walk and open it and see Mia "mia?" she nods "hey keith,i just wanted to come see you as i was passing by" i smile and laith walks to the door "oh hello" mia smiles "hey" i smile and pick laith up and hug mia and she hugs back "its been a while hasnt it?" i nod "what you been up to over the past few years??" she smiles "oh you know being a teenager, i have a boy-" i growl and she giggles "you can even meet him if you want" i smile "please" she nods and rings someone and i know, i did send her back to the orphanage BUT she was a loud kid and i do still care about her, just then a boy walks over and kisses her cheek "hey babe" she smiles and says "this is my.........father figure keith" i smile and look at the boy and he looks at me and his eyes widen "you a neko?!" i nod and mia giggles and laith growls "hes my dad and only my dad tho you were adopted" i roll my eyes "laith dont get jealous, i did look after mia for a while" laith sighs and hugs me and i hug back and then put him down "go annoy papi for me" he giggles and nods and runs off and i hear a scream, comming from lance and i laugh and i hear shiro laughing and pidge saying "go laith go!!" i chuckle and look back at the couple at the door "name?" the boy gulps "uh dan sir" i chuckle "its keith not sir, i do not like that" he gulps "sorry" i smile and look at mia and then back at dan "you EVER hurt this girl ther will be consequences, understand?" he nods and i smile "good, now welcome to the family!" i look at mia "ur 18 now right?" she nods and says "we actually live next door" i smile "then if any of you two need anything just pop round and we will help you, BUT just saying i do not want to be a grandfather yet" mia hits my arm "dad!" i chuckle and kiss er fourhead "i love you mia" she smiles "love you too, see you later" i nod and they walk away and i close the door, thats a nice suprise and i walk to the living room to see pidge on top of lance and laith on top of pidge and lance on the bottom and allura and shiro looking dissapointed and coran sighs "keith-" hunk looks at me and sighs "dont" i smirk and jump on the pile and they all groan and lance groans again "ughhhhhhhh" i look at him and then lay beside him and kiss him and he kisses back and then i pull away and pidge and laith get off and lance lays on his back and i sit on him and he does sit ups and kisses me and hunk takes a photo and i chuckle and then smile and hug lance and say "your gonna have another child soon" he nods and lays back down and smiles "and im so happy" i groan "i am and im also not, cause the pain is the worst, laith was bad but this little one is already HUGE and im only 2 months in" allura chuckles "but we will all help you through, we promise" coran nods and pidge chuckles and says "i call naming it!!" i shrug "okay then" lance smiles and wraps his arms around me and  i smile and lean my head on his shoulder as he is sat up now and he smiles and we end up all watching a horror movie and everyone but me and shiro getting scared.

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