part 28

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keiths POV

being pregnant is horrible! the pain wasn't this bad when i was pregnant with laith! im actually a well known figure online now...not only because of being a neko, i cover some songs while i play an not a great singer but m good enough to have over 2 million followers, i get noticed on the streets,i feel so also now 8 months pregnant with  a little girl...we decided to find out the gender so we were prepared.lance quit his job so he can help me,because being pregnant is baby bump is huge! when i have a bath i literally end up with all the water either behind me or in front, i also get tired really easily... today we all decided to have a chill day, well when i say 'chill' day what i mean is we're all cuddling on the couch watching hamilton/be more chill/dear even hansen/heathers and then we're going to watch some anime (Tokyo ghoul/ my hero academia/ death note/yuri on ice) ALSO dont worry me and lance arent bad parents, laith is with mia and dan. everyone ends up in a huge cuddle pile on the couch, with only one blanket. Everyone but me and allura falls asleep, me and allura end up in the kitchen talking about life, Allura falls asleep at the table, i look at her and then back at my friends. its now 2am...i sigh and walk upstairs and sit in mine and lances room, i look at a photo i kept in my draw,it was of me and my mum, i want to see her again...i really miss her. my mum (who was also a Neko) left when i was a baby...she never came back...i grew up with my dad who was a firefighter...i was stupid and played with some candles and i accidentally caught the curtain ...he died because of my was my fault, he saved me and not himself! it was all my fault. i grab my guitar from the corner of the room and i start to play it while singing 'a thousand years' by christina perri, its one of my favorite songs.i end up falling asleep curled up hugging a pillow.when i wake up i feel the sheets are soaking wet, i gasp "shit..." allura walks in and i sit up "my waters broke.." her eyes widen, she grabs the hospital bag and helps me quickly down the stairs and into the car not saying anything to anyone, she rushes me to the hospital and im taken in.allura had called everyone and they were all now standing next to me, lance holding my hand, it takes 11 hours from start to finish to deliver her, me and lance called her layla which actually means night in another language (cant remember what one lol) she looks a lot like lance but she has cat ears and tail, shes a neko! im so happy!...i got to go home the next day, she has one blue eye and one violet...she is adorable and laith loves her.we all end up cuddling on the couch, i hold layla and lance holds laith and we all listen yo music..i love this so much...although it would be better if i wasnt always wondering what happened to my mum...

//im really sorry for not updating for ages, i've had things going on...i'll try and update as much as i can//

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2019 ⏰

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