In The Car

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Usagi-san's POV
When we got to the car, I noticed Misaki couldn't open the door. So I went over and opened it for him. He got in mumbling a "thanks", I smiled closing the door. When I got in myself I saw Misaki had his head on the window. I sighed then started driving.

On the way I didn't listen to music because I noticed Misaki had fallen asleep. Slowly making our way to M University, I took every turn to make the trip longer. I wanted to let Misaki sleep as long as he could, I was worried. At every stoplight I would look over and see Misaki's sleeping face. He look so peaceful.

After the long ride, we made it with ten minutes to spare. I decided to wake him up. "Misaki." I said, softly shaking him awake. "What is it, Usagi-san?" he asked, yawning a little. "We're at M University, Misaki." I said, before getting out and walking to Misaki's side. When I opened his door, I had to catch him because he fell out of the car.

"Are you sure your okay, Misaki? I'm worried about your health." I said lifting him to his feet. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just a little tired Usagi-san." he said, grabbing his bag. "Okay. I'll come pick you up after school." I said, ruffling his hair before getting in my car. "Bye." I said rolling up the window. 'I hope he'll be okay.' I thought as I started driving a way.

Junjou Romantica~ Misaki Sick (ON HOLD SORRY)Where stories live. Discover now