Chapter One

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Damon's POV

It was colder than usual when Damon woke up. Still half asleep, he began to roll over in bed when reality struck him. I'm supposed to leave for LA today! In a panicked rush, Damon grabbed his bag and was out the door. He got in his car and tried his hardest not to go over the speed limit on the way to the airport, and once he got there, he ran. He's missed his flight too many times in the past and was determined not to miss this one.

Damon caught his flight at the very last minute, but at least he made it. 

After the flight, Damon grabbed his bag and was out the door. And there he was. Vincent Cyr was waiting for him outside, leaning against his car with dark sunglasses and hair as perfect as always. Damon felt butterflies immediately and blushed at the sight of him. He gained his composure right before Cyr spotted him and started walking towards him. They greeted with some hand shaking and funny remarks, then they were on their way back to the car. 

The car ride was great for both of them, full of laughs, strange faces, and foreign accents, just as expected. Damon was taking in as much scenery as possible, while Cyr was focused on the road. Damon looked over to see Cyr's face. It made him think back to high school when he first realized he had feelings for guys instead of girls.

He was so awkward around his so-called girlfriend, so he never really did much with her. Because of this, she cheated on him multiple times. It was the perfect excuse to leave her, but she dropped the bomb before he could. As much as it hurt, he was still relieved to have time to figure out his feelings.

"You ok?" Cyr was looking straight at him.

Damon jumped, not realizing that he was staring. "Sorry... I... I was thinking," Damon stuttered.

"Well, as I was saying..." Cyr continued as Damon focused his eyes on the airbag in front of him, and he didn't move them the entire way home.

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