Chapter Three

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Damon's POV

They arrived at the hotel just before sunset, and they were slowly walking to the hotel room while carrying their bags. After the strange happening in the car, Damon decided he would simply act as if it never happened. To do this, he asked Cyr what he did while he was gone. Damon smiled at his own cleverness; he knew it must have been a lot, so it was a perfect excuse to steer clear of what happened on ride home. Wrong Idea.

Little did Damon know that while he was out of it, reliving his past, Cyr had already cleared that half of the conversation.

"I... already told you...?" Cyr looked at him, slightly confused, but it looked like he was expecting it.

"You did?" It felt, and looked, as if Damon's face was on fire. He reached his hand to his mouth, covering it like usual, but he cautiously touched his lips and cheek making sure there were no actual flames. 

"Yea, in the car. When you zoned out." Cyr chuckled a little. Why? Why would he laugh at a time like this? Normally, someone would be mad when ignored. 

"Oh. Sorry. I do that a lot..."

"Don't worry about it, I get lost in thought too. But I'm more than curious as to what you were thinking about..." Cyr looked into Damon's eyes again, and the butterflies erupted.

 "Umm.." A nervous laugh escaped his lips without permission. "Well, I was just thinking back to high school. All the good memories, ya know?"

"Well, I don't know about you," Cyr unlocked the door to their hotel room and stepped inside, "But my high school experiences weren't the best. What was so great about yours?"

Damon pauses for too long, and Cyr has to snap him back to real time. "Oh, same old, same old..."

He trails off, and glaces at Cyr while he lifts his rather large and over stuffed suitcase onto the bed. His muscles flex and a few veins are visible. Damon's stomach can't handle that, it feels as if the butterflies would burst through in a raging stampede.

He looks down at his own suitcase, and mimicks the boy to his left. He lifts it onto the bed, and starts unpacking. Damon's thoughts are going every direction, then meet at one conclusion.

Vidcon's gonna be a lot longer than I thought...

Cyr's POV

Damon seemed so distant. Cyr was dying to ask him, but he knows, by the look of his last answer, he wasn't going to tell him. In their hotel room, there's a mirror above the dresser. Every time he looked up at it, he saw Damons eyes making their way back to the drawers. Is he staring at me? He keeps his eyes on the mirror and waits for Damon eyes to go back to their original position. Surely enough, he looked up and Cyr locked eyes with him. There's that foreign feeling in his stomach again. Damon quickly retreated, just as suspected. Cyr couldn't see Damon's face because of his hair, so without a second thought, Cyr pulled Damon's front bangs. Just a small yank. Damon yelped.

"What was that for?" Damon was laughing a little. That's a good sign.

"Man you need a haircut!" In response to this, Damon pulled Cyr's hair.

"I'm not the only one!" Damon stuck his tongue out at Cyr, grabbed a bunch of bathroom stuff, and walked off to the bathroom.

There was a slight echo when Damon shouted out to Cyr. "Sorry for being so out of it lately. You know how awkward I am."

Yea, I do, and I love it. "It's cool man, no worries. And did you completely forget that Mr. Awkward himself is standing right here?" Cyr slowly slid his head around the open bathroom door with a ridiculous grin on his face.

That was the first time Damon laughed since he's been with Cyr. That feeling in Cyr's stomach took over his entire body. He sat down next to Damon's bag and fell back onto the bed, clutching his stomach. He recognizes this feeling, but it's never been this extreme.

"Dude, do you ever get that feeling in the pit of your stomach, it's like, a huge tingling...? Like, when you see something or someone you really like, and your stomach just rages, practically aches, because you want them so badly..." Cyr trails off trying to figure out how to put it into words.

"All the time, dude. It's crazy. I know exactly how you feel. Who's the special 'stomach tingler' huh?" Damon always knew how to word things perfectly, and better yet, make them funny.

"No one in particular..." Cyr felt his face getting hot, thank god Damon couldn't see him; he's still in the bathroom. 

"Come on man, don't make me force it out of you," Damon walked towards him and started poking Cyr's stomach. He giggled like a little girl before clapping his hand to his mouth.

Damon's POV

"That was the... cutest thing... I've ever... heard," Damon could barely speak while he was rolling on Cyr's bed laughing. He occasionally looked over at Cyr, and seeing his hand still pressed to his mouth only brought more laughter.

"Come on, that wasn't funny. Or at least not that funny." Even though Cyr was laughing, too.

"Well, guess what." Damon had propped himself up on his elbow facing Cyr.

"What?" Cyr had done that same, and Damon could barely contain the feeling Cyr was describing just seconds ago.

"I know your weakness," Damon was smiling, with a hint of mischief crossing his face.

"And what's that?" Cyr was smiling too.

Damon threw himself off the bed and tackled Cyr, tickling him until tears were running down his face. He knew Cyr was strong enough to throw him on the ground, and honestly, he was expecting it. But when it didn't come, and Cyr was begging for mercy, he leaped off and ran to the other side of the other bed, worried by what his response may be.

"You're the only one who knows that besides Stefan, so you better keep it to yourself," Cyr was still catching his breath while wiping the tears off of his face.

"Well, it might happen more often, that little girl laugh of yours is priceless."

Damon felt great. More than great. This moment was perfect. He got off of Cyr's bed and finished unpacking. He grabbed the two empty suitcases, about to put them in the closet, when he realizes how sweaty the palms of his hands are. At that moment, the bags slip out of his hands and his face is engulfed in flames again. He tosses his in the closet, and carefully sits Cyr's next to his.

"Having some trouble there?" Cyr was standing behind him with his hands on his hips.

Damon slumped down to the ground and sat, staring up at Cyr. He's so stunning...

"Nope, I got it," Damon stood up and reached to close the closet door... at the same time Cyr did.

Their hands touched. Both of their faces were flushed, but neither of them moved. They couldn't.

Cyr's POV

There were times when Cyr has wanted a certain moment to last forever, but right now, he needs it desperately. The way he feels about Damon is overpowering everything else, and he's instantly lost in the moment. He looks into Damon's eyes. They're so beautiful. How have I not noticed this before? Then, just like in the movies, they're brought back to reality by a knock at the door. Since Damon's closer, he immediately answers it, and Cyr stands behind him. It was just the room service asking if they got settled in ok, asked if they needed anything, then was out and down the hall in less than 5 minutes. This leaves Damon and Cyr to figure out what just happened.

"Heh... so uhmm... what just happened?" Cyr couldn't help but laugh nervously to fill in the awkward silence.

"I... I don't know..." Damon was stuttering while staring a hole in his worn-in toms.

"Well, it's getting pretty late, Vidcon starts early so uhm... yea, we should get some sleep." Cyr was messing with the back of his hair, trying to sound casual, but failing, and he knew it. He gave up on that, and ran to belly flop on his bed. He had his face buried in the pillow, but he heard Damon gently sliding under the covers of his own bed. He fell asleep immediately to the sound of Damon's constant, steady breathing. If only he knew...

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