Chapter Four

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Cyr's POV

Vidcon ended yesterday and Damon's still here. Now it's obvious. He's only making up random excuses not to go home. It's so cute! I've gotten to know a lot about him, but it's not enough. I want to know every little thing about him. His perfection, his few flaws, everything. And there's a lot I want him to know too...

Damon's POV

....Like the way I feel about him. If he knew, everything would change. But I wouldn't mind. As long as he knew the truth. I'm 80% sure he doesn't feel the same way, but he's my friend. He'll understand...right?

Cyr's POV 

We've been filming videos together and doing live YouNow shows, and every time one ended, we're always hyper and talkative and we just act like the true freaks we really are. But I've decided that after this next, and last, one, I'll tell him how I really feel about him. I know for a fact that it'll be awkward, but he's Damon, I'm used to that. Damon sat down in front of the camera and I hear his energetic voice, "Hey guys, I'm here with my good ol' pal Cyr!"

The show went on for what seemed like an eternity, but it ended abruptly when the website crashed. Our fans are insane.

"Hey Damon? I- I gotta tell you something... k- kinda important before you l- leave." I studder way too much.

"Oh balls! What'd I do this time?" He laughed, and it sent shivers down my spine.

"Well I've known you for a while now and... and..." I can't do this. I'm a chicken. This seemed so much simpler in my hea-

"Cyr... I love you."

Damon's POV 

Oh gosh. What have I done?! I just screwed everything up! He probably thinks I'm some faggot that's been friend-zoned. Oh gosh. I have to leave now. If I don't, things will get so much more awkward than they already are. But as I stood up to go get my stuff, I felt Cyr's strong hand grasp my wrist and pull me back down. I'm in trouble aren't I?

"I love you too Damon... so much. I know this is really cliche, but I definitely didn't think you thought the same way. If you hadn't have said what you just did, I wouldn't be able to do this..."

I can't believe this is happening. Cyr, the love of my life, is leaning in to kiss me. I can't do this though. I can't! I backed away, still looking at his perfect face, except it was lined with disappointment. I upset him. Oh god no. I ruined everything. My mind's going to explode, there's so much going on and only a few seconds have passed. 

Cyr's POV

FUCK! What did I do wrong? I came on too strong. Too fast. That's it... maybe he just needs time? Well fuck. I just embarrassed myself in front of the guy I love. For nothing. There's so many emotions happening all at once. Disappointment. Anger. More like rage. I don't know what I'm going to do. I need some alone time. That's what I'll do, I'll go for a walk. 

"Hey, where are you going?" Well it's about time Stefan got home. He was just walking in when I stood up, grabbed my coat, and started for the door.

"Out." I shoved past Stef and slammed the door behind me. I began walking to the car. It was a long walk, so I slowed my pace trying to embrace the silence and solitude. It was pretty late out, dark too, perfect thinking conditions. For me, at least.

I can't even begin to imagine the look on Damon's face. Had I hurt him? Angered him? He said he loved me. Why would he reject me like that? I can't believe this is happening. All in the matter of secon-

The last thing I saw was headlights until everything dimmed into darkness.

Damon's POV

~20 minutes later~

I'm still really mad at myself. I talked to Stefan about it, he's a really good listener and all, but due to the fact that he's straight, he couldn't give much advice. I wonder where Cyr is. I actually have enough courage to talk to him about this, and he isn't even here. He didn't say where he was going, I don't even know if he has his cell on him. I called it a couple minutes ago, but it went straight to voicemail. I hope he isn't mad at me. I panicked, ok! I didn't know what to do! I just... I just need to calm down. When he gets home, we'll talk, and everything will be fine.

Another 10 minutes have passed. I'm too impatient for this. Then I remember the sirens. I was talking to Stefan, so I didn't pay much attention to them, but about 15 minutes ago, they were going... and going... and then they got their loudest, and stopped. I might as well check outside to see what's going on just to be on the safe side...

There's people everywhere. Paramedics are standing around something.


"CYR!" I was in a full sprint towards the group of men in uniform.

"Sir, you'll have to step back. Give us some space to work." The deepest voice I've ever heard from such a small man.

"You don't understand, that's my friend over there! Is he ok?! Oh my god, there's blood everywhere..." I'll have a panic attack if I don't calm down. But hey, at least I'll be in the ambulance with him.

 "As of right now, it's too early to tell. We're going to take him to the hospital. You can visit him as much as you want there, but right now you're going to have to back up." Well someone's a little pissy. I took a couple steps backwards and tripped over the curb. I sat down and just stared. I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

He's just laying there. Lifeless. I've never seen him so still, he's always full of energy and moving. But right now... his jacket's covered in blood... and he isn't moving an inch. 

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