Chapter 2

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Minutes passed.... Mrs.Maine kicked runnita out of the classroom and she headed to lunch. As she was looking for her friends she stumbled upon the Ouija board she was in disbelief. She ranaway to look for her friends. She found Tejaswi but Jazmin and Emily were no where to be found. Tejaswi broke the news to Runnita. "Jazmin passed out due to the amount she ate I don't really know what happened but her mom texted me that on Wattpad, but what happened to Emily?" They were both in akward silence...the bell finally rang. After school runnita told Tejaswi "I was thinking about what you told me.... I had a crazy dream when I was in math class about us buying the Ouija Board. Emily disapeard into the air and Jazmin went to go eat Mc Donalds. I can't exactly remember all the details but it feels like its becomimg a reality." She then told Tejaswi as she walking out of the school she saw the same exact game so they decided to go get it. Tejaswi decided to grab it she heard Emilys voice, she said she heard "helpppp meeee." Their first thought was that Emily was trapped in the Ouija Board. Tejaswi suddenly tripped and ripped her pants she said "what the hell my mom is gonna kill me THANKS." Runnita then said "why are you blaming me, ill just give you my pants." They switched pants....Runnita was having a flashback to her dream,it was so similar to what she remembered.They decided to take the board to Mrs. Botan since she was a vampire. As they were walking with the board, the board would start moving by itself and they still kept hearing voices. Mrs. Botan said "you guys are cursed get out of my room!" They walked to Mc Donalds,they stumbled upon Jazmin laying on the ground. They kicked her but no reaction....they left because they didn't want to get in trouble. They ran inside carrying the board, they were planning to throw it away,but they didn't know where. They heard a voice from the board "tunnellll" they assumed it was a spirit so they were planning to go to the tunnel tommorow to talk to the spirt and then throw it away.

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