Chapter 3

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It was finally the next day after school they walked to the tunnel. They had forgot to bring the Ouija Board which they left at Mc Donalds yesterday. So they sprinted to see if it was still their it wasn't. They asked the employes if they seen an Ouija Board. They replied "yes but it is in the dumpster because it was moving all over by itself." So Tejaswi and Runnita decided to go check and luckily it was on the ground near the dumpster. They walked back to the tunnel to speak to the spirit. Minutes passed and they were finally at the tunnel. But before hand they decided to grab an icecream. They finished the icecream and Tejaswi threw it on the floor. Runnita yelled "pick it up we can get in trouble." Suddenly Tejaswi drops the board as shes picking up the rapper. She falls out of no where and she suddenly can not feel her legs nor any of her body. As soon as Runnita gave her a hand, she vanished in a flash of an eye. Last left was runnita, she still wanted to talk to the spirit so she went right back to the tunnel. But little did she know one of the major rules was to never play alone. But she didn't know that so she did anyways. She decided to go to the end of the tunnel to play because she was afraid someone would come running in. She started talking to the spirt. The first question she said "where are my friends." The board responded "i ate their soul". She remebered after her dream she looked up the name ZOZO and the internet said it was one of the deadliest spirit. She was in shock she didn't have any words. She put the board back in the box and left it their hopping for the spirit to not come get her. She trys to run as fast as she can to the entering of the tunnel to get out and run to Mc Donalds. Suddenly both ends of the tunnels are closed she wishes it was a dream, she pinches herself she feels it so its not a dream......

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