Chapter 4

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Runnita knows it's not a dream so she starts to freak out. She has no idea what to do, her only option is to pray. Hours have passed and suddenly water starts rushing into the tunnel. The worse part is Runnita does not know how to swim. Water has filled half of the tunnel and she is just in shock. Her adrenaline starts to kick in. But their is not really much she can do at this point. But break the cement but shes not the Hulk. Minutes have passed the water has now filled the whole tunnel. She can no longer breath, her life is over. Emily was gone first, than Jazmin,Tejaswi,and than Runnita. They died at 13 some of their deaths are unclear and nobody knows why this happened. Since all four of their families wanted to find out why this happened they started to investigate. Luckily Tejaswi's brother Shreck was a ghost whisper. But that didn't help much to firgure out this case was pretty much 99.99 percent imposible. A decade has passed Shreck finally figured out why they all died. Both Tejaswi and Emily died for the same cause it was because a spirit named Ria went into their body and stopped their heart. Jazmin died because Ria forced the Mc Donalds employe to put food poisoning into the meet or else the employe's family would be cursed forver. Runnita died because the spirit Ria just wanted everybody in the group to die but she didn't really know what to do with runnita. As all four families are in disbelief all they can do is mourn for their ones they loved. Runnita, Jazmin, Tejaswi, and Emily all met together in heaven and nothing like this happened ever again. But it returns every 13 years....

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