In the forest

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John POV

The air feels so very humid on my skin as I scan the area for intruders or any of our enemies. I'm to high up for anyone to even spot me while I'm in the sky.

Us Firebirds, or how humans and any other creature calls us, Phoenix are not a common species. For there are only a handful of us and we prefer to stick together. People don't look for us in the sky because it would be very rare for you to catch one of our kinds near anywhere except for our safe place. Others don't come around here because we apparently aren't friendly to intruders, but that is one big fat lie!

We are the kindest of species for a matter of fact and we only look out for intruders to welcome them and hope for a few allies when we should be in need.

I can't believe my eyes but I start to see a Kelpi head toward our camp. "OMG, THERE'S A INTRUDER AN INTRUDER!" I screech so the whole colony can hear.

The Kelpi for some reason was unfazed by the frantic actions of us Firebirds and kept on ahead. The Kelpi had big brown poofy hair and a light but noticible beard on his face. He had a sly grin and walked as if he owned the place. He looked around and his eyes landed on me. He narrowed them at me and it seemed as if he was peering into my soul. He motions for me to come down and I hesitantly oblige to his wish. "Hello, my name is Thomas Jefferson and I was sent here to invite one of the Phoenix kind to attend a winters ball. Every kind of species must go so if you would be so kind as to direct me to your King or Queen so we can discuss arrangements on the matter." He speaks smoothly emphasizing the R at the end." Very well right this way then." I say coldly but without sass.

I lead him through the forest and I start to approach camp grounds. As we stroll through town everyone starts to stare and the camp grows quite. I ignore the silence and continue on the way to the king and queens hut. We approach the hut and I lead him inside where the king and queen  are talking about the usual food shortage that we've been having.

"Your Majesty's it has been brought to my attention that this Kelpi who goes by the name of Thomas Jefferson has invited one of our Firebirds to a... What was it again?" I ask. "A winters ball, and I hope that I will get your permission to take one of your Phoenix's to the ball. If they go on you could even gain allies and become more politically involved." The king and queen give each other a worried look but soon it turns into a stern one and they both nod. "Ok." Says the Queen. " But you must take John for he is the only one who is truly eligible to go to such event." the king states. "WHAT! Why me?!?!?" "John we trust you the most, now go pack your things you are to leave at once with this kind Kelpi and only return when business is done." "Yes ma'am" I respond in a hushed whisper.

So on we went towards...well wherever were going, Thomas is leading the way.

* 578 words wow sorry for the long chapter*

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