The dinner part 2

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Play song just whenever because it's so good.


I feel uncomfortable in this dress for...reasons I wouldn't want the readers to find out about. ;)

I don't know why but I feel as if EVERYONE gas their eyes on me, and it's creeping me the fuck out!

"Dinner is here Monday amour.~ It seems as though you weren't paying attention when the waiter brought out the food." Lafayette said one chair across from me and one chair next to Peggy who was across from me, while Thomas and Alex sat on both sides of me. It's weirddddd but fine since I've been in worse....

I glance down at the food and only attempt to poke at it since this is much more...hmmmmmmm?? would you say???... sophisticated?!?! I don't know? I'm not that elegant not rich to know what this very thin stack of pancakes with strawberries and cream in the middle is?! As well as what this pastry stuffed with beef Is.

"It seems as if Firebirds don't get much crepes and beef Wellington around town." A husky and somewhat smooth voice states. From what I can see the owner of the voice had pale skin with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He had a smirk on his face and a glint of deceitfulness in his eyes.

"If your wondering who I may be, I'm Francis. Francis Kinloch."

"Well my name, if your wondering who I maybe, is John. John Lauren's." I said trying to mock his entry in a joke full manner.

"And no we don't have these fancy fork foods where my kind lives. We do have the regular grass and non meat food their that we eat on washed leaves and with our fingers. For we are to lazy or busy to wash some dishes, we already have to wash ourselves as well as our belongings!!!!" I say in one big breath.

Me and Francis chat all throughout dinner and I catch jealous looks for some reasons from Alex, Thomas, Peggy and Lafayette for some reason.

Doesn't make sense to me.....oh well!

358 words
Sorry I've been very inactive and out of  it lately but I have book ideas I think I'm going to start!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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