Meeting the squad

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Alex POV

"When is that obnoxious Kelpi coming back with the Phoenix who is supposedly going to represent their kind. It's been hours!!!" I yelled while pacing around the drop off where we're supposed to pick them up and take them to the Sphinx camp, that is where the ball is going to be.

"Chill Alex Thomas never lets us down and- wait what? HEY! THERE HE IS!" Peggy says. I look forward and see Thomas walking towards us with someone else.

As I get a better look at the figurine I notice his light golden wings and his freckles that sprinkle everywhere on him like stars do in the sky. His hair is a light brown and it is tied in a ponytail while his curly locks go down to his neck. He has amazing green eyes. Wow, he is just so gorgeo- NO!Alex,no homo!

"Alex, Peggy, this is John, he is going to be representing the Phoenix at the ball. John, this is Alex and-" before Thomas can finish his sentence Peggy jumps forward and yells " AND PEGGY!"

John and I laugh while Thomas just rubs his forehead with his index finger and thumb.

Thomas clears his throat before continuing on what he was going to say. "anyways, Peggy is going to represent the black eyed souls while Alex over there is going to represent the Sphinx. I'm going to be representing the demons from hell.~~" Thomas said while hissing and sticking out his long tongue on the hell part to tease John. He laughs and OMG his laugh is so majestic.

"Me, Alex ,and Peggy will show you around and introduce you to a few more of our friends who will be representing other creatures. The only species that have more then one here is Peggy and her sister's. They never leave each other's side so they come together to represent as a team."  Thomas explains all in one breath inhaling deeply afterwords.

I nod showing that I understood and they start to lead me to where the rest of there friends are.

"ALEX!" two guys yell when we enter the entryway of a stream. " Hey Hercules and Lafayette." Alex says while motioning for them to come over.

"John,this is Hercules who will be representing the mothman. And this is Lafayette who will represent the shape shifter's." The two men bow.

"Do you guys know where Angelica, Eliza, and Maria are by any chance?" Peggy ask while blushing at Maria's name.

"Oui, they are over there." Lafayette says while pointing to three women sitting at the edge of a pond.

"GIRLS!" Peggy calls out, causing all three girls to turn their heads and walk over to where everyone else was.

"This is Maria" Peggy states while pointing to a girl who is in all red. "She is here for the Sprite's while my sister's-" Peggy motions to two girls, one in pink and one in blue. "Im Angelica and this is Eliza." The pink one says pointing to the one in blue who waves. Peggy glares and continues talking " they're representing the black eyed beings with me like I said earlier."

"I'm John here for us Firebirds" John states rather confidentiality. We all stare at John very confused. John sighs " we call ourselves Firebirds, which is the correct way to address us as but everyone else just calls us Phoenix's." he says in one Angry but calm breath.

" Guys let's show John to his room for the trip." I stated trying to clear the air of tension floating around.

"Ok" they all say.

* 599 words....Kool.

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