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I woke up groggy and a little sore, only remembering bits and pieces of what happened last night. Melena wasn't next to me like I thought she would be, but I did see my phone blown up with millions of missed calls from my mother.

"Dammit..." I grumbled, crawling out of bed and heading to my closet to throw on my robe.

To my surprise, someone actually was in the house. I heard the shower on, with slow, sensual music playing. I also heard an occasional moan every now and then. I wondered if that was Melena or Diosa in the shower.

I know one of these bitches ain't masturbating in my fucking shower.

I clearly shook the thought out of my mind when I heard two voice moaning at the same fucking time.

"Oh bitch..." I said, holding my head because I was hung over and felt a headache coming on.

I didn't hesitate to walk from my room to the bathroom and barged the fuck inside.


Inside the shower, I saw Melena and Diosa just staring at me. Oh hell no. This bitch is doing this shit on purpose! What the fuck is up with her? Is it jealousy? Or is she just doing this bullshit to make me mad?!

Diosa stepped out the shower casually. I looked at her perfectly curved naked body. I fucking hated her but she looked really good.

"Wanna join?" she casually asked, staring me down.

I was speechless. I couldn't even get a "sorry". What type of shit was she on? Did she seriously just have sex with Melena?! How did this even happen?! I got so heated. She's trying to have sex with all of my friends. They're eventually gonna think I'm the crazy one and choose her over me. They're infected by her charms.

I balled up my fists. She started to laugh but as soon as she looked down and saw my fists, the smile quickly came off of her face. I punched her in the nose. She was dazed and stepped back for a bit, taking time to realize I hit her. Eventually, she swung back.

Big fucking mistake, I thought.

Melena ran out the shower to attempt to break us up, but we had each other by the hair, not trying to stop hitting each other. When she finally broke the fight up, she decided to get her clothes together and try to leave. I couldn't let her leave. I rushed downstairs, opened the safe, and grabbed my mother's pistol and a knife.

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