Nogla~ Made a Mistake

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She slammed the door shut behind her, locking it in the process. Pressing her back against the door, she buried her head on her arms, crawled down into a small ball, tears started running down her cheeks, sobbing, her mind drifted off at the events that happened.


(Y/n) smiled, holding a paperbag in her hands, she grinned. Today is David's birthday and she had bought him the perfect gift. While happily walking down the block towards his house, she spotted a certain tall figure carrying a bouquet of flowers got out from a car and walked towards a house. She slowed down her pace, her shoulders dropped by her sides and she stopped. She recognized the tall figure, her eyes carefully observed at the man as he pressed the doorbell, not long, a blonde girl opened the door, seems surprised to see the guy, she jumped over and hugged him. (Y/n) got a hard time letting the words out of her mouth as she dropped the paperbag down.

"D-david?" She stuttered, her eyes turned glossy, David's head turned around to see (y/n), his eyes widen and stepped back from the house, towards the (h/c) haired girl. "(Y/n)... I-its not w-what you think!" David said as she took a step back every time he took a step forward. "(Y/n)... Please listen-" but she already fled off...


"(Y/n)!!! Open the door!!! Please!!! It was all us!" Voices of Craig, Marcel and Tyler was heard from the other side with a following thumps on the door, She stood up, stepping by the side and opened the door, there Tyler came falling to the floor, followed by Marcel on top of him.

"What did you say??" Craig nervously laughed as she stepped on Marcel and Tyler. "Uhh... Ehh..haha??" Craig laughed a bit as his sweat dropped, "ummm..."


David sat on the stool inside the club, he groaned slightly feeling really torn. He sighed but then stopped when a pair of arms wrapped from the back, he suddenly realized that the person was his one and only love.

He turned around and immediately hugged her, "(y/n)! I'm so sorry... I swear I didn't mean it..." He whined as (y/n) laughed softly, wiping the tears from her eyes, "I figured.." she spoke, keeping her head on his chest, "Tyler, Craig and Marcel came at my house.. they explained everything." David sighed in relief,

"H-how did you know where to find me?" David asked as (y/n) pointed over through the crowd, there, he saw Lui smiling and nodding towards them both. Guess Lui knew he will be here, this is where they drink when they got problems together.

"I swear that it was only a dare... Besides, that girl was Lui's fiance" David continued, slightly getting the cologne (y/n) used. "Uhh... (Y/n)? What happened to the others?" David asked as both him and (y/n) pulled away from the hug, "oh... Don't worry about them.." (y/n) breathed out before tipping her toes over making David bend slowly for their lips to touch. The feeling of sadness got swept away by happiness when their hearts are finally close together.

And just like that, nobody could touch the lovely couple who's making out in the club.


"Tch, I told you guys to don't dare him that." Evan shook his head as he placed a bandage on Tyler's arm, Evan then turned to face the tall man in the eyes, holding out a bag with ice inside, placing it lightly on Tyler's lip.

"Sorry man... Can't help it." Tyler shrugged as he observed the CanAsian's movement. Both stared at each other for a while before Craig cuts in, "Hey Ev, Thanks for patching us- oohh... Am I disturbing something?" He asked as Evan pulled away, Tyler looked at another direction, you could see the nervousness when his adams apple bobbed up and down,

"no, no, Tyler just took a really good blow on the face." Evan spoke as Craig laughed, "yep. (Y/n) did hit him in the face with a chair hard." Marcel slowly massaged his arm, "She slapped Craig so hard that a bit blood came out from his nose." He spoke as Craig rolled his eyes,

"Yeah... Like how she karate chopped you in the balls" Tyler hopped in the conversation and both two laughed except for the flustered Marcel. "Well... You guys DID deserve it." Evan spoke as he finally stood up, "Anthony's coming to check your dumbass up. Might as well get tidy up."

With that, Evan left the room.

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