BBS~ Photo Album (part 2)

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And as promised! Requested by ItzPeculiar_Madz

I continued flipping through the album, taking in the moments of my sweet child. I stopped at a picture, it was (y/n) and Evan at her school's 'father and child' event. I wasn't able to make it since I got stuck of work so I made the next athletic skilled person I know go instead.—not like I was any better,—Evan.

Speaking of Evan, I watch him turn from the corner and spotted me with a smile on his face, "Craig, come on. We don't wanna miss– oh shit, is that? I remember this day!" Evan chuckled taking a seat next to me and pointing over the picture.

"Daddy, where are you??!" (Y/n) spoke through the phone that Craig gave her for emergency. "Sorry darling, but big bad boss had put in more work for Daddy..." Craig responded in an apologetic tone. (Y/n) unconsciously rolled her eyes and placed a hand on her hip, "and what about me?? I swear I'll kick big bad boss when I have the chance to." She muttered, shaking her head. Craig chuckled, still shuffling from the other side, trying to keep the phone between his ear and shoulder as he rapidly type on his computer, trying to get the documents done.

"Anyway sweetie, I just sent my friend there to participate. I'm sure you guys will win for sure when you have him as a team. Besides, Daddy's not good at sports." Craig muttered making (y/n) laugh. "Who is this going to be? Isn't Dad back at Dubai? Is it Papa?" Craig stifled a laugh, how many dads will this girl have?? "Nuh uh sweetie, although Papa would be there, he'll just stay there more of a... Mother figure. You'll see an Asian buffed guy somewhere next to your tall Papa." Craig informed. (Y/n) just nodded and continued playing with her pink track suite when she spotted from the crowd a buff, handsome and Asian looking guy wearing a sportswear. Next to him was Tyler who was also looking around for her.

"I think I found them!" She squealed and Craig sighed in relief. "Alright princess, I'll be there as soon as possible, see you soon!" And thus, the call had ended just in time for Tyler to spot (y/n). "(Y/n)!" Tyler called out dragging Evan by the wrist as they wiggled their way to the crown and onto the bench (y/n) was sat in. "Hello," she greeted with a smile, high fiving Tyler. Evan waved his hand, he heard a lot of stories about (y/n) but never actually got to see her in person due to the fact that he lived back at Canada. It was just a perfect timing that he was able to have a vacation here. "Alrighty then (y/n), this is Evan and he'll be the one participating as your Dad for this event." Ty informed as the three say down. "Oh right, because you'll be the mama for today." (Y/n) pointed out making Tyler raise a brow and Evan laugh at the comment. "What?"  The taller male asked, "Daddy said you'll be my mother figure for today considering he will be the one participating." Tyler let out a huge, crossing his arms and standing up, "I'm going to have a talk with your father." He exclaimed before pulling out his phone, smashing the glass as he dialled Craig's number, getting up to have a little less crowdy place.

"Hello there err...what can I call you?" She tilted her head at Evan who glanced at her back. "Call me?" She nodded and fiddled with her fingers. "Yeah! Since Brian is Dad, Tyler is Papa, Marcel is Pops and Delirious wants me to call him Daddylirious, what can I call you?" Evan chuckled at the last part. Of course Jon would have a 'lirious' at the end. He rack his brain for some names before snapping his fingers. "I know, how about Appa?" (Y/n) squinted her eyes, "Appa?" Evan nodded with a smile. "Yeah, it's Dad for Koreans." He explained making (y/n) have the thrill to actually speak a Korean word. She nodded her head, "alright, Appa it is!"

I pushed through the crowd hoping that I wasn't too late. Holding up my camera with me, I dashed towards the stage where they are announcing their winners for the race.

"And for our first place! We have (y/n) and..." The MC glanced at Evan with a questiong look, probably confused on who the hell he is considering I was the one who always attends on meetings. Just as I reached the front rows, I saw my sweet girl snatch the mic up and look at the crowd with a smile on her face. "And my Appa!" She gleamed. The MC just nodded as she handed back the mic, "(y/n) and her Appa Everybody!" Evan chuckled before spotting me, tapping (y/n) by the shoulder and pointing over to me. I gave her a thumbs up, making my way stand next to Tyler who were cheering non stop. "Yeah! Suck it! You guys got no balls to defeat (y/n) and Evan!" He screamed at the other Dad's who just glared at his way.

I laughed, opening my camera and pointing it to the two champions.
"Say cheese!"

I put down the photo album and grinned. There are a lot of stories to tell about how proud I'am for my precious girl...

A loud cheer was then heard from the kitchen, they're already starting...

Continue in Part 3

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