House of Visions

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Eddies POV
I'd been here for a few days and Fabian was acting a little strange. He kept going places late at night. He wasn't in the room anymore. I heard a noise from upstairs so I went to investigate. I slowly crept up the stairs. I saw Victor fast asleep in his office. I then heard saw Alfie coming up the stairs. I ran and quickly found myself at the bottom of the attic stairs. I saw a weird shaped dint in the wall and ran my finger along it.

I was in a dark room when Victor came into light. He was holding a beaker with some strange liquid in it. He said "To those who wish for eternal life, one must find the scholars knife"

I then walked and hit a wall. I was brought back to the present and realized it was just some sort of a dream. The door knob moved and I rushed up the stairs incase it was Victor. I hid behind some boxes covered in cobwebs. I watched from behind the boxes as Nina, Fabian, Alfie, Amber and Patricia all came in. I walked over to them and said why are you guys up here. They all looked at me and Amber let out a little scream.

Fabian then said we could ask you the same question. I then said well that's because I saw Alfie coming up the stairs and just ran in the first room I found and it turned out to be this slightly creepy attic. Now you guys spill now. Nina said we wanted to have a mini party. I knew she was lying but just went along with it. We sat up there and I learnt many things about them. I then decided to ask them about Victor as I wanted to learn what my dream meant. So I asked "What the deal with Victor".

They all looked at one another and then Nina spoke up and said "He's just strange"

I knew there was more so I asked "How exactly"

Yacker spoke up and said "You've seen him I bet by now you've worked out he's strange and creepy"

I then said "There's something off about him"

They all said "Yea"

The topic was changed and we went back to talking about other stuff with each other. I decided to leave as they probably wanted to actually do what the planned to do. I said goodbye and heeded downstairs but on the way topped and glanced into Victors office. Victor was not in his office from what I saw. I walked up to the door and saw no one inside. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I took out a paper clip and unlocked the door. As I walked into his office i saw
books all over his desk and a crow. I touched the crow to see if it was alive. It felt so real but was definitely not alive.

I opened up a desk draw reveling a gold necklace thing. It had a black string with a large gold thing imprinted with a bird. I remember seeing Amber wearing one that looked the same. I took it as I'm pretty sure Victor had confiscated it. I closed the draw and saw a notebook on his desk which was opened to a page and in bold letter the words tears of gold was written. I flicked through to see if it said anything about the scholars knife. I saw weird drawing and then one with the same picture as the imprint on the necklace I just took. Under it read the Ibis. There were 5 other drawings on the page and at the top it read Emulates. I figured it must be important.

I heard someone whisper "Replace the Emulate boy. The dolls house is where the fake lies"

I remember seeing a dolls house in Nina and Ambers room. I ran to their room hoping there were still up in the attic. I knocked on the door and then quietly opened it. No one was inside. I rushed over to the dolls house which held an uncanny resemblance to Anubis house. I opened it up and there was nothing no secret place to hide the emulate. As I ran my finger along the bottom of the house a draw popped out revealing the fake emulate. I took it out closed the draw and ran back to Victors office. After putting the fake emulate inside the draw I left the room leaving everything to how it once was.

I went down to my own room. I put the emulate into one of my spare shoes. I looked around the room seeing Fabian still wasn't back. Then for the second time tonight I got in bed. As I was drifting off to sleep Fabian walked in. He looked as if he had just seen a ghost. He face was pale and he was all shakey. I said "Fabian you alright"

"Umm yea"

"You sure man"

"Just got a little shock"

"From what"

"Doesn't matter"

"Whatever you say Fabian"

"Night Eddie"

"Yea Night Fabian"

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