House of Myths

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Patricia's POV
Eddie just ran off and Fabian chased after him. I turn to the others and ask "Guys what just happened".

"Maybe you offended him" said Amber. I don't think what I said could have offended him that much he would run off. Nina then says "Guys don't blame anyone I'll ask Fabian"

Nina texts Fabian asking what was up with Eddie. We head off to science. We get there a little late and sweetie just says your late. We apologize and he then asks "Have you seen Eddie or Fabian in your travels"

Nina tells him no and then he says "Ok sit down, sit down".

We all take our seats. My mind begins to wander about what happened earlier with Eddie. Did he get offended at what I said. I was brought out of my thoughts by Nina poking my shoulder. Once she sees she has my attention she whispers "Eddie just lost something no need to be worried".

I hear her telling Alfie and Amber. I start listening to what sweetie is trying to teach. The lesson ends and we all rush off to the student lounge. Fabian and Eddie are already there and are talking about something. We sit down and all say hi. The tell us that by the time Eddie found it the lesson was already half over and they couldn't be bothered coming at all to avoid getting detention by sweetie.

Nina pulls Fabian away to tell him something and Amber and Alfie and have already snuck off somewhere. I go and sit next to Eddie. I say "So what did you need to so badly find"

"My pocket knife"

"Who you planning on killing"

"Only you, just joking"

"Can I see it"


"Come on Eddie, why"

"I will show it to you but not here and not now"

Eddies POV
I heard rustling coming from Fabians bed. He was getting up from bed. I looked at the clock and it was 12am. Maybe he was just going for a midnight snack. I wanted to know what he was up to. He met Nina, Amber, Patricia and Alfie down in the stairway. I crept closer without being able to be seen by them. I heard someone say "So we're going down again"

Someone else said "Yea we need to"

Going down where would they be going down. Maybe the cellar. Well it the only thing down. Then i think Nina says "Let's go get the items"

This is my chance if there going to get the items I can slip into the cellar and hide before they get down there. I watch as they go upstairs. Once they are all up there I unlock the cellar by using a coat hanger. I lock it again and go down. Down there is a lot of dead animals that have been stuffed. Victor I supose. There is also lots of potions and test tubes I'm guessing Victor again because he comes down here and if he just saw some random stuff he would know Therese been down here and there would be no point sneaking around.

I get in a empty cupboard and hide waiting to see what the others do when they get down here. Soon enough I hear the others but they came down a different way. I was watching the entrance the whole time. That means there's a secret entrance somewhere. They walk up to some shelves. I watch as Fabian moves some things to the top making numbers appear.

The shelf opens and they all walk through. It closes back up. I decide to wait where I am until they come out. After about ten minuets Victor comes down. I watch as he adds so liquids to a beaker. I watch as he mutters a few words and takes a sip. I look closely and can just make out that words are written on the beaker. He places it down and stokes the furnace before heading back upstairs. I go to leave the cupboard when I hear something.

The shelf is open again and they are walking out. I hear Fabian say "Well find it soon don't worry Nina"

Amber says "guys lets get out of here"

They all leave around the corner. I wait a few minuets after they leave before I walk over to the shelf. I touch the place where Fabian touched. I have a sort of dream and I can see myself sliding them down to make 1890. I bump something and wake up to see I have touched Victors table.

I pick up the beaker and written on it is "For those who wish for eternal life, One must find the scholars knife. It's the same words from my dream earlier when Victor said them. I push that out of my mind and go back to the shelf. I do the exact same as I did in my dream and the shelf slides open.

It's a small room. It has many books and I start looking at them. I leave as Fabian will get suspicious if I am gone for too long.

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