House of Knowledge

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Eddies POV
I say "Nina pass my the pocket knife"

She gives it to me and I flick it open to the blade with the symbol on it and pass it back to Nina.

She gasps and says "The eye of Horus"

I say "The what"

She then says "The eye of Horus it what the symbol is called"

I take my pocket knife slip it in my pocket. I ask if there's any other things her locket opens. She tells me there's some in the attic. I start limping towards the attic. I get to the door and unlock it. I've always known how to unlock doors with paper clips, coat hangers and pretty much anything imaginable. Fabian and Alfie help me up the attic steps. When we reach the top Nina opens up a wall with her locket.

I walk up to it and the closer my knife gets a glows stats forming from my pocket knife. I press it against the place where Nina pressed her locket and it opens up for me. I sit down trying to comprehend what's going on. So if Nina's the chosen one what am I. Is there two chosen ones or do I have a different name. This is just all to confusing. We all leave the attic and call it a night.

I wake up and jump out of bed to instantly regret it. Pain shots through my foot and I sit back down on my bed. No one is in here just great. I finally get to the kitchen to see everyone sitting down eating breakfast. I grab two croissants and jump on the couch putting my foot on the arm rest. Everyone turns and looks at me. I hear them all gasp. Patricia then says "Eddie do you realize how bad your foot looks"

I say "I know it's gross you all don't have to stare"

Jerome then says "Mate it's all swollen and black and blue. What you do"

I looked down and it did look bad. I smirked when I remembered how it happened. I say "Fabian pushed me into the counter"

Fabian says "Yea I'm really sorry about that Eddie"

Mara leaves and then comes back and comes over. She ties up my foot in a bandage and says "That should help"

I thank her as she leaves. I get my stuff for school. I remember about how I wanted to post something on the school website. I grab my USB. I leave my room to find Patricia waiting just outside the door. She has my shoe in her hand and says "you left this in Ambers room"

I chuck it in my room and say "Don't think I'll be needing that"

We begin the walk to school it taking a particularly long time as my foot is sore. We finally get to our History class and walk in. Mrs Andrews isn't here but instead of course Mr Sweet is teaching the class. He says "Mr Miller, Miss Williams class started 10 minuets ago why are you late"

I say "Finding walking a little hard at the moment"

He says "And why would that be"

I sit on Mrs Andrews desk and take the bandage off my foot while Patricia goes and sits down at a desk. Once I finish taking the bandage off Eric turns around and says "Edison what are you doing"

I smirk and say "Showing you why I'm late"

He looks at me and gasps and says "Edison my office now"

I walk out side the History class and lean against the wall. I hear him yelling something about being back soon. He opens the door and says "I thought I told you to go to my office."

"Bit hard, now you want me there you help me get there" I say back to him.

He helps me to his office and I sit down in his chair. He groans and says "Why are you so difficult Edison"

I shrug as he asks how I hurt my foot. I tell him that I tripped over a tree root. He pokes my foot hear and there asking if it hurt. He determined that it was just sprained and would be better in a week or 2. He told me to go back to class. We arrived at class and I sat down next to Patricia.

Soon class was over and I went straight to the computers. I logged onto the school website editing page and uploaded a video of Mr Sweet dressed as a cowboy. I logged off and went to find Patricia. I found her and Mara in the student lounge talking. I walked over and Mara was showing Patricia a video and complaining that Mr Sweet was going to kill her. Patricia turned to me and asked have you seen this video. I smile and say "Yea I uploaded it"

She turns to me and says "You Idiot"

Mr Sweet calls Mara away and tells her she getting expelled. I go into Mr Sweets office and say "It was me I posted that video after I stole the log on for the school website off Maras bedside table. Reverse your exporting against Mara I'm the one your angry at." With that I left

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