Chapter Eleven

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Louis gently leads me into a massive massive massive massive massive ma- ok I think you get the idea.
MASSIVE dining room. It was so grand and...massive.

It wasn't like a modern dining area though. It looked almost medieval.

But before I could finish admiring the room, I saw the most MASSIVE long wooden table, right in the centre of the room.

Wowwww....there was soo much food.
There were huge smoked hams, that's right, hams. Not ham, but hams.
Soft, golden bread rolls, giant pots of steamy soup, and oh, I cannot continue! I need to taste some! Wait...

Why weren't there any other people here? Except for the occasional maid or two..and I thought the other boys were coming to eat food too? OH WELL. MORE FOR ME! YAY!

I'm just about to go and eat when a hand grabs me. I turn around indignantly.
How dare someone stop me from going to my one true love. Food.

"LOUIS! I'm hungry ok! Let go!" I frown at him.

"Calm down! That's the food that we're having for dinner, lunch is at the cafeteria!"


That explains the lack of people. Still feeling frustrated, I stomp off to the cafeteria...well, not really.
Because me being me, I forget that Louis is still holding my arm and I fall to the ground very ungracefully.

"Are you ok?!" I hear Louis ask me.
He's giggling like a little girl. Humph.

"Yeah I totally okay" I flash him a thumbs up. "I just thought the floor looked a little lonely so I decided to give it a hug"
Louis chuckles and proceeds to help me up.
We then resume the journey to food.

Upon arriving at the cafe, I glance over it. It's much smaller than the dining room, and more modern, but the food still looks so good. 

There are lots of sandwiches, muffins, fruit platters, pizza, more fresh hot bread with melting golden butter and much more!
I spot my brother and the other boys at a table, already stuffing their mouths, so I head over to them. But not before grabbing a plate and piling a mountain of food on it!


As I wolf down the delicious scrumptious food, I feel someone's gaze on me.

Looking up, I see Harry watching me with his eyebrows furrowed.

"Do I have something on my face?" I ask him loudly.

At my outburst, he looks down straight away and shakes his head.

Noticing our tension, the other boys stopped their conversations.

"Ooooh, does Harry have a crush?!" Niall exclaimed suddenly with his face lighting up.

My cheeks go red.
Not because I'm embarrassed but I'm angry.

How dare Harry not remember me?! He hasn't seen me for a long time, but still! It stings, really does.
And how dare Niall accuse him of having a crush on me! He's my brother!

Gritting my teeth, I stand up.

Harry is staring wide eyed at Niall, and the other boys are laughing.

I slam my plate on the table, push my chair back, and escape.

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