Chapter thirtyseven

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You know when you stretch and it feels sooooo good? Yeah, I just did that. My body is really sore at the moment but at least I don't have a headache. My body actually feels like I've just had a major workout or something. It feels like I've got bruises everywhere...wait...I do have bruises everywhere...that was a stupid thing to say Alexi.
Anyways, I think that I need some fresh air. To stretch my legs out you know? And get some exercise...
It's still daytime anyway. I wonder how long I slept?
I look at the clock on the wall. It's 2:00pm. I only slept about two hours.
I used to sleep a lot when I was in hiding. Why? Well, because it was refreshing and also time-consuming.

Making my way to the walk-in wardrobe that the girls told me I could use anytime, I see myself in the mirror.
I. Look. Dreadful.
My face is all swollen and bruised in peculiar positions and I just look...dreadful.
Ignoring my reflection, I try to find an outfit to wear.


I decide on a casual green singlet thing and black leggings. I don't really know the proper names for clothes soo...yeah...
I also tie my brown curls up into a simple pony-tail.
As I was about to leave the room, Perrie walks in.
"Hi! You're awake. By the way, where do you think you're going???"
"Um...for a walk?" I say slowly. Nicely done Alexi. That sounded like a question.
"Sorry but you can't's orders.." Perrie says says sympathetically.
"Screw doctor's orders. I am going for a walk." I argue firmly.
"But Alexi, it's for your best!"
"Fine..." I say, and watch Perrie's expression relax. Then I continue. "I'll go for a short walk"
Perrie sighs. "I guess I can't really change your mind...but make sure you don't run, okay?"
"Thanks Perrie! Ok I will. Cya soon!" I yelled behind my shoulder as I ran out the door before she could change her mind.
"Alexi!!" Perrie calls.
I slow down, and slowly turnaround before facing her, guiltily. I don't know why I felt like I had to be obedient around her!
And don't get me wrong, I really like Perrie, she's really nice, but I just feel...small next her...I dunno.
"You're running." She states simply.
Widening my eyes I realise that I had indeed been running! Whoops!
"Sorry....hehehheheh..." I mutter.
Then I turn on my heel and slowly walk outside.


I step out the emergency exit.
It's a beautiful day today...
I close my eyes and feel the warm sunshine on my face. Ahhhhhhh...
"Oohhmph" I say when suddenly all the breath in my lungs vanishes.
"I'm so sorry!" a voice exclaims.
I open my eye to see....Louis.
"I'm so clumsy, and always running into people! Please forgive me! Oh by the way! Where are you going?" He says in one hurried breath.
"It's alright. And I'm going for a short walk. Maybe to town. And don't say I can't because I am going."
"Oh but the doctor sai..!"
I interrupt Louis. "No! I'm only going for a short walk, I promise! And so that you know, I am a person who doesn't like lying."
"Fine. By the way, have you seen Eleanor lately?"
Why must he bring up the subject of Eleanor!! That totally ruined my mood. You'd think that everyone would hate Eleanor since she did this to meh..I mean like..wait a second, THEY DONT KNOW!!!
This is gonna be so good gossip! Nice and juicy like
Sigh. But the thing is..I'm not that mean...I refuse. I absolutely refuse to stoop down to her level. I'm up high, like a skyscraper. She's down in the dumps. Lower than that actually.
You know, I think that sounded like boasting. OH WELL WHO CARES. hang on another second, wasn't there something I has to do? Oh right. Go for a walk. NOOOO THERE WAS SOMETHING ELSE, IM SURE.
OHHHHHH, Louis is waiting for me to answer!!! OOOPPPSSSSS.
"Uh no! Nooo, I haven't seen her. Not at all. " I answer quickly. Too quickly. That sounded really suspicious. Even though I haven't done anything wrong!!
"Umm...ok?" Louis answers slowly.
"Well...bye!" I exclaim before walking briskly away. Yes, walk. I didn't run. I walked. Okay? Okay.
I continue to walk. And walk. And walk. And walk. And walk. And wa...l..k..OK FINE I WILL STOP BEING WEIRD. Wait no, that impossible. I am weird. It's just the way I am! Hah, do you know my motto??? Of course you do. Yeah..I have an awesome motto...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Ha ha ha. Hah. ... Ha....ha.......h..a..
I grin like a...cucumber. Yeah, I know that cucumbers don't grin, but they are means my grin is long...and stretches from ear to ear. Get it??? No? Ok..don't worry..
I am nearing the town. I think it's called the town? Whatever. I'm nearing the place where the few shops are. And I'm walking in a street. A narrow street. With tall buildings on both sides of me. The buildings have dark gaps I between them. Alleyways I think they are called. Or something like that.
I glance in one alleyway and then glance away. Then I glance back. And stare.
I freeze.
Like a ice cube. okay...enough of the silliness Alexi, this is serious.
I squint my eyes and strain to see in the darkness.
Please tell me my eyes are seeing things!!!
But no...this was not my eyes playing tricks, this was real...
Eleanor was there, kissing another guy!!!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!
By the way, I won't be able to update for a couple days cos I'm going away so..yeh..

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