Chapter fourtyfive

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I blink twice, and squint until my eyes get used to the bright sunshine.

Then I move my leg from underneath the blanket.

I soon moved it back into the warmth of the blankets because it was really chilly. Well, it probably wasn't that cold, but after staying in a warm bed for a whole felt cold.

A warm bed was luxury for me. I just want to stay right here forever.

I yawn lazily and stretch my arms above my head.

Then I notice Harry.

My brother is sprawled out in a chair beside the bed, in what seems like a very uncomfortable position.

He must have fallen asleep next to me...awh, how cute.

Haha, no...

Wait...that means he hasn't told the other boys about me yet. About me, being his sister.

Oh Alexi, stop filling your head with thoughts. Straightaway in the morning too.

Oh...that reminds me of something...last night...something happened...I can't remember...hmm...I'm pretty sure it was stressing me out...

"Hmm...oh good morning sis" said a deep, raspy, voice beside me.

I glanced at Harry with a smile.

"Morning, brother" I greet.

He grins back at me before stretching his arms above his head.

Then he stand up and sits beside me on the bed.

The bed dents under his weight and I roll towards him.

"Hug?" I pout.

He rolls his eyes but reaches down for a hug anyways.

But instead of a hug, I blow in his face.

"Ew!!! Alex! That's gross" Harry shrieks.

I start to laugh uncontrollably.

Yeah, I know it was mean of me but I couldn't resist.

Especially because I know that I have bad morning breath.

As my laughs cease, I look at Harry.

He has an evil looking smirk on his face.

" uh oh..." I mumble before giving a shriek and leaping out of bed.

"Come back ere'! I am so gonna find out if you're ticklish or not!" Harry yells.

Oh no...I'm not extremely ticklish, but I do have my sensitive spots. Such as the sides of my stomach, underneath my arms, and under my chin. I'm not ticklish on my feet, but I'm so ticklish in those three spots, that I can tickle myself!

And I am not going to let Harry find those spots!

"I'm not ticklish!" I laugh, while backing away from Harry's outstretched arms.

"Oh we will see about that" he grins.

My back touches the wall and I know that I'm cornered.

"Now I've got you!" Harry says evilly before beginning to torture me.

Unfortunately for me, he finds my ticklish spots at once, and I land on the floor with a thud, unable to control myself.

"Hahahahaha, no, hahahaha, stop, please, hahaha, PLEASE, HAHAhahaha, STOP HAZZA!!!" I manage to say in between gasps for breath and giggles.

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