Chapter twentytwo

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"No, I think they might be in Pauly's room, you know, gettin in trouble again! ...yeah we already looked in their rooms...oh here it is!"
We heard several female voices coming closer and closer. Then the door opened. And four gorgeous girls stepped in.
The blonde one with dazzling blue eyes rushed over to Zayn and they started kissing. I...guess..that's Perrie...she's gorgeous! She will never borrow me any clothes cos come on! Look at her! And then look at me! I'm...not gorgeous..
"Ah-em" one of the boys cleared their throats awkwardly.
Zayn and Perrie quickly drew apart and blushed. cute!
"Oh uh, sorry! By the way, Perrie, this is our...friend. Yeah friend, and we were wondering if you could maybe borrow some clothes or something?" Zayn says.
"Of course! C'mon love, follow me!" Perrie exclaims and then the three other girls push me until I get my feet to follow her.


"Now, I'm Perrie, this is Jade, this is Jesy, and this is Leigh-Ann!" Perrie tells me while pointing to each girl.
"Hi! Nice to meet you!" The girls smile at me.
I smile back at them. "Nice you too!" I say genuinely. They really seemed much nicer than Eleanor.
"Hey! Is that Eleanor's bikini?!? How did you get her to borrow you that!?" Jesy exclaims.
"Oh...uh..she didn', Louis gave me it before she arrived..."
" you like her by the way?"
"Um..." I'm not sure what to say. Of course I don't like her but I can't exactly tell them that!
"She's...uh...awful..I mean, she's alright!" I say quickly.
The girls smile. "That's ok, we don't like her either. In fact, no-one does. She's a brat. I have no idea why Louis liked her in the first place. I'm sure she cheats on him too!"
I sigh, relieved.
"Ok! Enough chit chat! Here, put this on and we will go on a shopping spree for you!!" Perrie yells happily, while passing me a pair of jeans and a loose white shirt.
", I don't have any see, I...I was homeless...until the boys took me in..." I stammer, feeling very embarrassed. I had to tell the truth, I don't like lying, but sometimes I'm forced to. Now the girls will probably slap me and leave.
"Oh! Well that's totally fine! We have plenty of money to spare! And that's so something the boys would do, I'm so proud of them!" Perrie waves it off as if it were nothing.
I stare at them. Then I smile again.
" thankyou so much" I say.
Then Jade links her arm with me and smiles. I smile back.

Off to the shops! I can't wait!

HiddenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora