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Before you start reading, go check out my new one-shot "On The Run" yeah?

But sometimes, I just want somebody to hold
Someone to give me their jacket when its cold
Got that young love even when we're old
Yeah sometimes, I want someone to grab my hand
Pick me up, pull me close, be my man
I will love you till the end

Dear No One // Tori Kelly

Zayn Malik

"Justin! Stop!" I whined as my boyfriend left sloppy kisses on every spot on my face.

He only chuckled, deciding to not follow my demands and continued his gross actions.

"Why are you being such a dick?!" I huffed making him stop immediately as he stared me straight in my eyes before a smirk graced his lips.

"You love my dick."

I rolled my eyes. He's always turning a situation like this into something sexual.

"Gimme kiss."

"No!" I refused, turning my face to the side.

"Don't be like that baby." Justin pouted.

"You've been bad. You don't get kisses."

"Zayyyynnn!" He whined in annoyance.

I glanced at him, "okay, just one but-"

I couldn't even finish my sentence. Justin had already crashed his lips into mine. I moaned at the sudden contact completely forgetting why I was mad with him in the first place.

My right leg hoisted up, wrapping around his waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Justin placed a hand on my thigh and the other on my cheek as the kiss deepened. I released a low grunt as he rotated his hips having our crotches rub against each others.

And there we laid on the kitchen floor, having a very heated make out session.

My body shot upright, chest heaving up and down due to the totally unrealistic dream I just had. God, only if.

The stress has never been so real with me. It was getting annoying that I constantly had dreams about Justin. I mean it happens to me almost all the time, but not every single night.

All of this was getting the best of me and many mornings I'd wake up with morning wood due to the dream I had the night prior. This honestly isn't healthy, especially when I have no hardcore sense of relief.

Despite my annoyance and stress it feels like I woke up on cloud 9 this morning. This bed is far more comfortable than any bed I've ever laid on before. Using all those unneeded pillows actually came in handy.

Last night, I had slept in the Four Seasons hotel. I know, lots of money for no reason. But I couldn't bring myself to go back there. I'll probably come back tonight anyways.

Justin probably doesn't even care about what's going on with me right now. When he's mad it takes like fifty years for him to forgive me. Irritating? Yes. But I guess if you view the situation at a specific angle, I deserve it.

I laid back, looking up at the perfectly decorated ceiling as if it was the most fascinating thing ever.

I just wondered how I would be able to approach Justin tonight, if he'd even allow me to. I got him really angry last night, he might not even spare me a glance. Just the thought of that made my heart clench.

Okay. What I need to do is take a shower and stop over thinking this.

Yeah, a shower. That sounds really good right now.


Justin was occupying himself. He was sitting on the couch playing video games all by himself, something he never does.

I felt the urge to reach for that second controller, but seeing the situation we're in isn't really a confident booster.

I walked into the living room, staring at Justin for quite a while. I'm pretty sure he was very well aware of my presence. I mean, it was pretty obvious that I was standing right there in the room.

But apparently ignoring my existence was a part of his plan this time.

Oh how mature, jackass.

"Justin." I said, voice low.

He didn't even spare me a glance, just continued to play Call Of Duty as if his life depended on it.

"Justin." I tried again, voice a little louder.

But once again, I got nothing in response.

"Justin!" I snapped.

This time I got a response. A glare as he threw his controller and got up before walking right past me and going for the kitchen.

I turned around, sighing in frustration before following him into the kitchen.

"Are you really doing this Justin? Listen, I'm sorry okay? Is that what you wanted to hear? I didn't know you'd get that upset. I was just mad..."

Justin only grabbed an apple from refrigerator and began to make his way upstairs.

"You can't ignore me forever!" I shouted watching as he continued his journey upstairs without looking back once.


What I expected when I got back to the house for the second time tonight? I expected Justin to be fucking some girl on his couch again. Not for him to have a whole group of guys and girls over smoking, getting drunk and dancing like wild animals. It wasn't a party but it definitely wasn't safe.

It was almost like a sex club the way all of them were grinding against each other and kissing.

Zayn felt disgusted.

Justin had landed his eyes on him and he crack a smirk. "Wanna join the party Zaynie?"

At this his best friend had only rolled his eyes and walked away, right into his room.

He was far past annoyed.

Justin could get drunk and do all this stupidity but he can't even listen to Zayn for him to apologize? How ridiculous was that?

Zayn was desperate, he just wanted everything to be okay between them again, but obviously Justin was having none of it.

He groaned in frustration, dropping himself on his bed.

He was just desperate for forgiveness.

/ - / - / - /

Pretty short and eh chapter. But I guess that'll do for now.

Don't forget to check out my new one-shot "On The Run" guys!

Leave feedback!

With much hatred and feminism, your stalker.

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