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Before you start reading go check out my new one-shot because I know how much you guys love those. ;) it's called "Dear Justin" and there just may be a part two.

QUESTION: I have a question though. How would you guys feel about my babe Brianna (@inspiringwifi) and I collaborating to make a Sterek fanfiction? We're already making a one-shot together but how would you feel about the fanfic? It would be posted on my account or a separate account that we make together. So yeah, just answer that for me.

I chose this song because I have no idea what other song to choose. Bleh.

I've tried playing it cool
But when I'm looking at you
I can't ever be brave
'Cause you make my heart race

Shot me out of the sky
You're my kryptonite
You keep making me weak
Yeah, frozen and can't breathe

One Thing // One Direction

Zayn Malik

"Zayn Malik, you romantic little shit." Justin said to me as soon as I walked through my bedroom door. I cocked a brow as I approached him completely oblivious to what the hell he's talking about.


"Don't try to play dumb bro. I know about your little book." My best friend informed me with that excited gleam in his eyes. But I still had no idea what the hell he was talking about.

"What book?"

Then he pulled it out, my songwriting book.

I swear my heart stopped beating for two point five seconds. I could see my world crumbling down right before me. I could see the end right around the corner. Oh no, no no no. He knows. No. Please.

"Uh, I can explain."

"Oh yeah, you have a whole lot of explaining to do bro. I'll tell you that. But first tell me, who is she?"

She? She?

He thinks I'm in love with a girl? Yuck.

Okay, I need a girl. Someone, fast, like now. Think think think.


Justin's eyes shot wide open upon hearing that I have a crush on the number one arts student in our school who if I were straight would totally be out of my league.

He took in a deep breathe before releasing it through a puff, "wow. I mean if you want my leftovers, suit yourself bro but I'm just saying, she's nothing special... ya know, under the sheets."

Please don't even take this where I think you're taking this.

"Yeah, y'know. With her pretty black hair and blue eyes and stuff. Totally attractive."

Justin chuckled so his dimples were revealed. "Definitely. But how about you get your British Bum over here and sing me one of these songs?"

And I couldn't say no, so of course I found myself walking over to my bed and sitting. I grabbed the book from his hand and flipped through pages, "which one?"

"Eh, I don't know, don't care. They all sound good to me so you just choose."

I already knew which one I wanted to sing, the one I had just recently finished, the one I knew by heart.

Thankfully Justin obviously hadn't that deep into the book so I could easily replace all the "boy" with "girl" instead.

"This one's called Stole My Heart," I announced before clearing my throat.

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