(I'm back people!) That thing where they both don't talk

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(Oh boy I haven't been posting on here a lot! Well guess who's back from the dead- hahaha *points to self* YAS IT'S ME PEEPS- Sorry if I been busy!  Heck now that summer is almost over I go back to school! Junior year baby! Heck! Where has this year gone? It felt like last year I was a Freshmen! But no I wasn't 😂So let's go on with Jamilton still! I can't believe this book was voted for Watty's this year? I mean how? I see The hashtag under my cover book. How? Look how many views!

3rd person view:

Everything basically went to normal again. Thomas and Alexander went back to work but the only problem is that they never talk to one another. After that whole thing from before. One day at work they sat with Washington. "So let's do another debate."  Washington said with a smile. He looked at the two. Both of them were getting death glares at each other. The two said nothing. And that's not when Alexander said something first. "Sir, I think I'll step out on this one." He was getting sick of Jefferson. Part of Jefferson still loved Alexander but the other half hated him now. "How come?" Washington asked raising an eyebrow. Then it got quite quick. Jefferson then cleared his throat.
"Uh sir may I have a word with you in private?"  Jefferson asked. He looked away from Alexander. Washington nodded. They stepped out. Just Jefferson and Washington. "What is it?" Washington then asked. "I think we shouldn't do one today, sir. Me and Hamilton are really on bad terms right now. It's best if we not talk." Washington understood. Washington then nodded. "Oh I see, Jefferson. If you two don't want to talk to one another then you guys can leave." Jefferson nodded. Then they stepped out to where Alexander was. "The debate is canceled today." Washington said. Alexander then sighed in relief.
The two stepped out to go home but that's not when Washington called Alexander in for a moment.
(Ah sorry if it's short! But I am BACK)

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