Chapter 1..

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Chapter 1:

"Sit down, 9B, and open your book Life Without Limits for me. Continue on reading from page 184. If you have already read it, you may use this time for anything you like, if it is silent," the English teacher Miss Desmin said.

Bree sighed inwardly. She had already read the book twice. Bree sat there for a few moments, pondering on what to do.

She decided to re-read the last Rangers Apprentice book, The Royal Ranger.

Bree started reading, biting her lip when it revealed Will sunken deep in grief. Will's wife Alyss had died in a deliberately lit fire and Will was so caught up on revenge that he wasn't doing his job as a Ranger anymore.

For possibly the tenth time that day, Bree wished that the Araluan Rangers were real. Bree had been teaching herself all the skills of Rangers for years, even though she knew that she would probably never be able to put them to use.

At least the training was something to look forward to. Bree usually trained every day after school, but that day she could not. Bree was going to a youth group with her friends.

What seemed like twenty minutes passed- even though it was actually forty-five minutes.

The bell rang abruptly, snapping Bree awake from her thoughts.

"Hey, you coming tonight?" Bree's sort-of-friend Summer asked her. Bree flashed a fake grin. "Wouldn't miss it for the world," Bree smiled slyly. Summer, unfazed by the act, went on. "I know what you mean. Wouldn't wanna miss the hot guys that we could, erm, make our acquaintance to," Summer winked at Bree.

Bree sighed inwardly for the second time in less than an hour.


Halt hated this.

The darn modern-day clothes were just not for him. Will and Horace would have been sniggering by now.

He was going to play the electric guitar at the youth group. Halt had never told Will that he actually liked music, or that he thought that Will was talented with the mandola. Will had a big enough ego anyway.

But Halt had other issues at hand. He was watching the young girl. Halt frowned as he tried to recall her name.

Ah, yes. Bree.

Bree slipped into the room, unnoticed by everyone but Halt. He hid all emotion from his face, but he was shocked.

Bree looked exactly like... identical to...


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