Chapter 2:

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Bree's breath was knocked out of her when she saw one of her favourite book characters come to life.

It was strange, though. Dressed in modern clothes, he looked ridiculous. Bree had the sudden urge to laugh at Halt.

No, not Halt. It was impossible.

But Bree carried on as usual. She laughed with her "friends" and giggled at the guys.

Yet her eyes didn't stop flickering towards the man.

Halt, for his part, was shocked and impressed. He hadn't realised how identical Bree looked to Alyss before then. He'd only seen Bree with the cowl of her cloak- which somehow looked exactly like his- obscuring her face from his sight.

Halt was impressed because the girl was hiding her true emotions very well. Almost as good as Halt himself, in fact.

Almost. Halt thought himself as the expert, which he was, of course.

(A/N: *cough cough*)

The youth group session was almost over. All of Bree's friends had already left. But Bree was in no rush to get back to the orphanage. And besides, she was curious about the man who looked like Halt.

As Halt turned to leave, he smiled to himself. He knew what she was going to do.

Bree waited until Halt was outside before following him. She crept in the shadows in after him.

Bree wondered if this was wise. In the book, Halt was one of the best people at knowing when someone was there. But then Bree shrugged it off. It couldn't actually be Halt anyway.

She kept following him into the woods. Suddenly he stopped at a small cottage.

Hang on a minute. A cottage? In the middle of the woods? Bree was thinking that something very strange was going on here.

Halt reappeared out of the house a few minutes later.

Bree almost gasped when she saw him.

He was wearing a Ranger's clothing. Bree could see the mottled green and grey cloak wrapped around him, the cowl of his cloak drawn up over his head.

Bree slipped behind the cottage. She took off the designer jacket from youth group, revealing the dark clothes underneath. Then she silently unzipped her camo backpack and pulled out her cloak. After that she strapped her pocketknife to her ankle.


Well, almost.

Bree checked that the man was still there. Yep.

She crept to her special hidden storage ditch. Underneath sticks and leaves lay her bow and quiver of arrows.

Relief washed over Bree when a familiar weapon was in her hands. Now she felt secure.

If this was the way he was gonna play, she would play it this way too.

She snuck back to cottage. The man was still there.

The man dashed deeper into the woods, Bree following closely behind.

Suddenly, he stopped at a clearing.

The man tossed off his hood, revealing his grim expression. That's what confirmed Bree's suspicion.

"I knew you'd come," said Halt the Ranger.



Long chapter. Well, for me anyway.

How's the story so far?

Vote. Right. Now. Or. I. Will. Have. A. Mega. Spazz. Attack.


Ta Da,



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