Chapter 9

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"So," Will began, after sipping his delicious coffee, "Does everyone know who Bree is?"

He was answered with uncertain looks.

"That settles it," said Halt drily. The grizzled old Ranger sighed and set down his coffee mug.

"Bree, wait a moment before you show your face. Horace- just remember, she is Bree, not... anyone else," Halt said grimly.

Horace was puzzled. Since when had Halt been so nervous?

Bree masked her emotions and flicked the cowl of her cloak back in one smooth motion.

Will saw the shock and and astonishment on his friend's face. "Y-you- "
"-Look identical to Alyss, I know," Bree finished in a monotone voice.

Bree was secretly a little excited. She had met her role models; Halt, Will, Horace and Hal.

But that didn't mean she was going to show any enthusiasm. Halt was the only one that knew that she looked up to Will, and she wanted it to stay that way. But that didn't mean that she was going to be unfriendly all the time.

"But hey, I'm not the same as her. As you know, I'm Bree," she said. Horace shook himself. He realised that he was being rude.

"Well, nice to meet you," Horace grinned. Bree smiled in return.

Halt looked at his former apprentice. Will's mouth was slightly agape, and he was shaking his head a little. Halt his a smile as he realised that Will was confused at Bree's... niceness.

"Well," Stig said, "Now that's out of the way, do you guys want to leave soon?"

"Yes. We need to get a move on," Halt replied briskly. He finished the last of his coffee and stood up.

Everyone followed suit.

The group exited the inn, earning a few stares from villagers on the way out.

For the first time ever, Bree gave a genuine smile. She was starting to feel as a part of something. A part of something she was beginning to love.


As they walked to the docks, Will kept glancing at the young skirl, Hal. He had heard tales from Gilan about Hal's adventures. Gilan had given Will a sideways look and said that Hal was a thinker, like Will.

Will's thoughts drifted to Bree. He couldn't figure her out. Bree could be so 'tough' sometimes but then, when she thought he wasn't looking, a sad and dark look would pass over her eyes.

Will frowned as he wondered what had made Bree this way. Her behaviour had reminded him of how he was before he had trained to be a Ranger, but...worse.

A thought suddenly struck him.

Did Bree have parents?

Will's thoughts were cut short when he caught sight of a strange ship.


Yeah that chapter was a little short... oops.

By the way, I found that picture on the Internet, and it just reminded me of Bree. No copyright intended!!

Ta da,
Bree (the non-fictional one).

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