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Gumball shot up out of the bed with a wide smile! He bounced out of his bed, and went straight too a mirror that he placed in the corner of his room. He quickly put on his favorite sweater and obviously, his pants. Darwin went over too his best bud and looked a bit concerned,
"Are you and Penny having a date again?"
Gumball didn't bother turning back to Darwin and just responded with,
"Duh, where else would I be going?"
The fish felt alittle upset but he didn't want that too bother his best friend,
"Oh, okay. Well have fun!"
He said happily, holding back tears.
Gumball went downstairs and asked his father too drive him over too the mall. Of course, his easily too manipulate father let him go. Once he finally reached his destination, he went straight towards the food bar in the middle of the mall. He saw his love of his life over there sitting down. She did look quite bored, but he skipped over too her and smiled.
"Oh, hey Gumball. Didn't expect oh too come early. But I-"
"I came early cause I felt bad from all those days I was late, I wanted too make it up too you!"
He smiled and pecked her cheek. Penny flinched at the unexpected kiss and it became a little awkward.
"Well, I needed too talk to you about something important and couldn't get myself too text you it."
Gumball tilted his head a bit in confusion,
"You can tell me anything?"
His heart started racing, anticipating what she was gonna say.
"I-... We need a break. Just, I've lost the spark, yknow. You deserve someone way better."
Her soft voice tore him too pieces, he couldn't control how many tears escaped. He quickly tried rubbing them away, but they didn't stop.
"What did I do?..."
His voice was cracking, more than usual anyway. He felt as if every organ in his body was shutting down, and like he needs too drink a whole pool too get dehydrated again.
"Look, Gumball. It's not you, it's me.. And it's best for me too not interfere with you and Darwin anymore. I could tell he has gotten a lot more glum recently.-"
Gumball looked at her, straight in the eyes,
"I-I could care less about Darwin! I just want you!"
He shouted, but not loud enough too really make a scene.
Penny looked around and sighed,
"I gotta go, Gumball. I'll see you at school."
Penny left in a blink of an eye, leaving the poor blue boy all alone...
He quickly called his dad too pick him up. Richard noticed the happiness drained out of the boy from the tone of his voice, but didn't think much of it.
Gumball got picked up and driven right back home. He ran straight towards his room and laid in the bed with his blanket covering his whole body and his face stuffed with a pillow. As he cries but the sounds are muffled and quiet. This last for about a couple of hours till Darwin finally walks in and notices his brother, sobbing.

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