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..Darwin slowly walked over too Gumball. He sat down on the bed besides him, like his mother would do.
He heard a slight growl coming from him.
"Gumball? Are you okay?"
Gumball got up slowly and took the blanket off of him and looked down at the floor while his friend tried too confront him.
"What's wrong?.."
Darwin squeaked
"You know damn right what's wrong, Penny had dumped me. Left me. And you know who I think had a part in this.. YOU!"
The blue cat yelled at the fish boy.
Darwin started too sniff, and then tears started pouring down.
"I would never do that too you, brother.."
He reached out too Gumball, but Gumball quickly slapped his fin away.
"Then why are you so jealous of penny?  She can see how you suddenly get upset just because I'm with her?! Stop being so selfish. I don't mess with you and Carrie."
Darwin looked down at the ground and mumbled quietly,
"I just wanted too hang with you, without you mentioning Penny, again."
Gumball snarled at the fish, he nearly pounced in the fish boy.. But the sounds of wood creaking stopped him. He took a deep sigh,
"Leave me alone."
Darwin got off of the bed and walked downstairs. Gumball felt a hint of guilt, but he was too blinded with anger and sadness.
"I can't believe he would do that.." He whispered underneath his breath as he slept for the rest of the day.
His two siblings slowly went too their beds and slept as well.
Gumball was woken up by the light of the sunrise, he tried turning too the other side of the bed but was stopped by his sister, Anais.
"What the, where did you come from?"
Gumball jumped up and looked at his sister.
"I came from the top bunk, of course. But I overheard your conversation with Darwin yesterday. And he wanted too tell you something but you wouldn't listen."
Anais stated. She noticed her brother tensing up,
"So, what did he want too say?"
He said, sarcastically.
"Darwin was gonna tell you about the rumors that were being spread. About Penny cheating on you with kids outside of our school. Have you heard of them?"
Gumball started too get a bit more comfortable, but still annoyed.
"Yeah, many times Tobias had told me. And Darwin once or twice.. But those are just rumors, and I know she wouldn't do that."
Anais rolled her eyes and sighed,
"You remember that one time where Penny didn't text you or talk too you for a week, and then suddenly Starts talking too you. You were crying too ya about it.. Remember?"
Her voice started too sound like she was getting annoyed by her brother being so stubborn.
"Yeah, I just wanted to forget about that. But still she could've been going through family problems or something."
Gumball tried his best too avoid this conversation but he knew it was gonna last till his sister got her point across.
"And Penny suddenly dumps you, and not giving you a reason. That seems pretty suspicious.."
Gumball finally just shooed his sister away.
"Alright okay, I get it. Just let me go back too sleep I'm tired, either way we have school tomorrow."
Gumball turned off the light and turned back too his side and went back too sleep, as Anais did that same.

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