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The bus rode along the road in silence, the two boys refused too even look at each other.
The bus had finally arrived at the school. Kids one by one went out. Darwin went out of his seat first as Gumball was behind him. On the last step Gumball shoved his brother off. Luckily the fish was on the bottom step,  he nearly fell off but was able too keep his balance. Gumball snickered while Darwin acted like that didn't even happen.
Nothing happened during school hours. Each time  would see Penny, his heart ached with so much pain. The kids would talk too Darwin about what happened earlier in the bus. He didn't really wanna talk about it, he was starting too get really annoyed about how his brother was over reacting. It wasn't the usual Gumball that he loved.
The kids finally got off of school all of them rushing too the door, that day was a Thursday.. Yay! Almost Friday. The kids went too go greet their parents, acting as if nothing happened. Gumball and Darwin weren't stupid enough too get their parents into this. Well that's what they think they shouldn't do.
The family settled down, Gumball and Darwin avoiding eye contact and well.. contact in general. Dinner was set out in five different plates for each of them. Nicole was feeling a bit awkward by the silence so she decided too break it with a frequently asked question,
"So how was school kids?"
"Great Ms. Mom! Me and Anais played volley ball for the first time, she was surprisingly good."
The fish snickered at his short sister. She blushed red in embarrassment,
"You are only a couple feet away, I will get you!"
She squealed
They all laughed, except Gumball. He just sat there and rolled his eyes and barley touched his plate. He quickly got up and shoved the chair underneath the table and stomped over too his door and slammed it.
Nicole and Richard looked concerned,
"Darwin go check up on his brother, he's acting like this again."
Darwin slowly inches towards the door and eavesdrops on his brother.
It was only silence, he was getting a bit worried. He turned the knob slightly but was pushed with the door as Gumball opens the door for him.
Again, as Darwin nearly falls he looks up at Gumball, for the first time in hours.
"What happened?..."
Darwin mumbled, alittle scared of his best friend.
"Nothing, I was just thinking about this whole situation.... You never deserved my anger. I should've never got mad at you at all."
Gumball walked towards the bed and sat down. His presence felt melancholy, and his face was bruised red with tear drops.
Darwin walked over too the bed with him and sat besides him..
"Do you forgive me, Darwin?"
Gumball looked up at his friend and tried too smile.
"Yeah, of course.... Anytime."
Darwin didn't feel comfortable lying. He couldn't say it truthfully, gumball inflected damage that only Gumball could do.

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