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The soft colors of the sun blended in with the cold-colored blue clouds lit the room.
Darwin quickly jumped out of his bowl and took a glimpse of his brother sleeping. He sniffed and got ready before all his other siblings. He quickly went downstairs and made himself some breakfast. He felt so lonely, the light was off in the dinner room. The only light were the street lights flickering off.
He took a deep sigh and listened too the tunes of his feathered friends, those sounds used too make him feel free and at peace. And all they were too him were faint whispers of how he was a mistake.
He was just a pet fish too his now parents. And Gumball was his only friend, now he hates seeing him.
"What happened?.."
he mumbled too himself as he softly sobbed.
Finally Anais and Gumball woke up, both noticing Darwin not in his bowl. Gumball didn't want too care, as his little sister was a bit curious.
The blue boy slowly crept up from his bed and changed his clothes.
Anais did the same
Darwin waited outside for the bus's too honk out for the children of each stop.
The bus had finally came, two siblings raced out of the door. The three kids walked up and went inside of the bus.
The bus ride felt really awkward, Gumball saw penny sitting over there. Her cute smile and her kind heart made him miss her even more.
And for Darwin on the other hand, he was nervous talking too his friend. He didn't want this too last forever, but he was starting too get a bit aggravated about the nasty looks that Gumball would give him.
"Hey Gumball?"
Darwin wanted too start a conversation at least.
Gumball looked over too him gave him a aggravated look.
"What do you want?"
"Why do You suddenly hate me so much? I just wanted too make you feel better.."
"Make me feel better?! HELL you made me feel worse. I know how you are, you trick everyone into thinking you're this kind person. But all that I know is that you're just a pity littl-.."
Rocky, the bus driver honked the horn stopping the two boys from getting them blabbering to physical contact.
The whole bus went silent, whispers were all that you could hear. People have seen the true side of gumball and were truly, terrified.

_•Cluèless•_Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon