Chapter 2 - I thought he loved me...

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Hey guyssss. ummmmm not much to say besides i hope u like this chapterrrr.... PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!!!

Oh and the song on the side is like one of my all time favs.... it's : I'm here to take the sky by D.R.U.G.S. (Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows)


Trixie's pov.

i rolled over and stretched a bit wincing when i felt a small pain in my lower back.

" She's Alive!" i heard a sarcastic voice stay.

my eyes snapped open as a grabbed the blanket and pushed myself closer to the head board.

" R-Ronnie?" i asked.

he nodded.

" No offense but what the hell are you doing here?! ....... In my apartment?!?" i asked clutching my blanket closer when i realized i was just in my bra and underwear.

" Ahhh..... Visiting...?" he asked.

i shot him daggers with my eyes.

he put his hands up in defense " Okay.... i was watching you cause you sorta just passed out and i was worried so i ahh.... stayed with you?" he said nervously.

" Ahhhuhhh... And may i ask what happened to my clothes?" i say raising an eyebrow.

" By the way loving the bra... That dress looked mighty uncomfortable to sleep in so i took it off for you..." he said trailing off.

before i could say anything my door opened causing me too shriek.

" Whats wrong!? Trixie? Are you okay? Did Ronald do anything to hurt you....!?" Mr. Walter asked hurriedly.

i held in a chuckle when ronnie groaned in protest to being called Ronald.

" You scared me. And besides being a bit pervy he has yet to bother me." i said.

he chuckled a bit and sat at the edge of my bed seeing as Ronnie was occupying my only chair.

" Sorry 'bout him. How are you feeling sweetie....?" Mr.Walter asked.

" Good. But i ahh.... don't remember coming home..." i said confusedly running a hand through my long hair which was now a tangled mess.

" You were there but not there when ronald brought you back to my house but after a few minutes you passed out and we brought you back here. Sweetheart.... you have been out for about 3 days now..." he said honestly.

As he spoke i remembered that day from being the happiest i've ever been to being crushed, feeling hopeless over come me.

tears began to make their way down my cheeks before dropping onto my sorry excuse for a blanket.

i began to play with the fabric and looking down at my hands i heard a heavy sigh before a hand reached out and lifted my face to meet theirs.

" Sweetie? What happened? Who did this to you." Mr. Walter asked worriedly.

i looked back down and began to whisper in a wavering voice that was barley audible " I.... I thought h-he had finally accepted me.... B-But it was all a lie... a big fat lie... he just used me and took something from me, the most valuable thing i had."

i let a fresh round of tears take their toll and do their damage.

" Oh.... Sweetheart...." Mr. Walter murmured comforting things in my ear as he wrapped me in his arms as if i was the most precious thing in the world and that only made me cry harder.

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