Chapter 4 - So what color is your wolf?

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Hey guys, sorry it's been a while. Hope you enjoy this chapter, let me know what you think!? =)

Song on the side is the song Trixie sings later in the chapter ' When she Cries' by Britt Nicole

Picture on the side is of the mansion......


Trixie's pov.

i woke up the next morning and saw that Ronnie was already up and had coffee in his hands.

" Morning." i said with a slight smile as i sat up in bed.

" Mornin'." Ronnie smiled handing me a cup of coffee.

" So what do you wanna do today? Hang out in this town for a while? Or Hit the road again?" he asked me as he sat on the other bed facing me.

" Umm....." i said taking a sip of the hot coffee.

" Damn that's good coffee!" i said and ronnie chuckled " Right!?"

" I think we should hang out here... At least for a day or two and see if we like it. I dont want to be to far away from Mr. Walter in case he needs us. Besides maybe this town could use a small dinner or something." i said.

" Alright, Sounds like a plan. Let's go find somewhere to eat." he said.

i nod and get up, grabbing my bag and making my way into the bathroom.

i grab the only clothes i had in the bag that semi-matched, my usual work uniform.

i brushed my hair but decided to leave in down for now but put a rubber band around my wrist just in case.

i walked out of the bathroom and set my bag on my bed.

" Are those the only clothes you have? Your uniform?" Ronnie asked as he stood up.

" Yeah.... i had to leave pack grounds to shop for anything and seeing as i could rarely get on a bus and dont have a car i couldn't get things very often. Plus i dont have a lot of money but more than i should've gotten because your uncle is an amazing person." i said.

" Alright well first chance we get, i'm getting you some new clothes." Ronnie said as he walked into the bathroom leaving no room for protest.

once ronnie's done we walk out of the room locking the door and exited the motel.

we walked side by side until we found a McDonald's but that wasn't to surprising as every town that has an exit off the highway has one.

we both got OJ and pancakes, eating slowly because we were talking about things.

" So what color is your wolf?" Ronnie asked leaning in towards me and wiggling his eyebrows.

" White. What about you?" i said curiously.

" Really?! I've never met a fellow white wolf!" Ronnie said his face light up by a huge smile.

" Huh. Me neither but the again i've never really been allowed to meet other wolves. But i do know that white is some sort of oddity, i've been told enough times..... i wonder what it means...." i trailed off in thought.

"Well your right about one thing it is rare but as for what it means... That is something i can explain." a guy who looked to be somewhere between mine and ronnie's age.

i discreetly sniffed the air, werewolf, defiantly werewolf.

he was kinda tall, he hair was dyed black and tousled, his bangs covered his right eye.

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