Chapter 3 - I'm gonna make sure you regret

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Heyyy everyone i hope y'all enjoy this story. i know a few of you have been saying my story sounds similar to that of another on wattpad but i can assure you i have never read that book and i am not intentionally copying someone else's work. But i have been told that my story its taking a different twist so hopefully our two stories wont end up sounding exactly alike....




Trixie's pov.

i slammed the car door shut and Mr. Walter got it and started up the engine.

halfway back to the restaurant he pulled over and shut off the car, turning to me.

" Trixie if i asked you to do me a favor.... would you?" he asked.

" Of Course! You've done more that i can ever repay you for." i say instantly.

" Good because i want to open another restaurant..... and i want you to manage it." he said slowly giving me time to process the information.

i nod my head " When and where."

" Anywhere you want and as soon as possible. i want you to control everything, from it's location to the color of paint." he said.

" Alright. i dont want something to far away but i would like it to be out of pack lands." i say.

" But of course, i was hoping you would say that cause between you and me." he said leaning closer.

" I don't wanna be in this pack anymore. i'm done with them and how they treat supposed pack members. So the further out of their control the better." he said.

i smiled through the few tears that were making their way down my face.

i knew now that no matter what i would never be completely alone ever again, i finally know what it feels like to be loved.

i threw my arms around him, he's still with shock for a few seconds but soon hugs me back.

" Can i call you dad?" i whisper to him pulling out of the hug, looking at him unsure.

"You have no clue how long i've waited to here you ask that." he whispered back with a watery smile.

happy tears forming in his eyes as well as mine.

once we got a hold of our tears he drove us back to the restaurant.

" Can i leave tonight? I'm so done with these people. i dont want to raise my child in this type of environment." i ask him.

he pulls me into a tight hug " Take Ronald with you so i know your safe."

i pull away and agree with him, rushing up the stairs to grab my few belongings that barely fit in half of my suitcase while he called Ronnie.

when i walked back downstairs Ronnie was standing there with a small smile on his face " Ready?"

" I was born ready." i chuckled.

we walked outside and even before i could take a few steps i was being shoved to the ground.

" You FILTHY SLUT!" some women from my pack screeched.

" How could you do that you your mate!" Another bellowed trying to attack me but Ronnie kept her away from me.

" Whore!" one yelled spitting in my face.

" ROT IN HELL!" another shrieked.

i refused to let my tears fall as i stood to my feet.

" If anyone deserves to rot in hell it you. All of you. You blame me for my fathers crimes, but i had nothing to do with them i was eight for fuck's sake! i barely knew what the hell was going on! But you all seem to think i had a part in it, like i killed my mother, not him." i say staring at them blankly.

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