Chapter 1

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"So I hear that we have new students" Kurt sat with his friends
"Yeah" Annabeth nodded
"If its those orphanage kids" Quinn giggled
"That be a disaster" Finn said
"I mean I don't see anything wrong with them" Kurt mumbled
"What was that" Will asked
"Nothing" Kurt looked up
"Class, we have new students" the teacher pointed to a bunch of kids
"We actually have the worst luck" Piper complained
"Anyways, if you want to introduce yourselves"
the teacher asked
"I'm Rachel and these are my friends Percy, Jason, Hazel, Leo, Nico, Santana, Tina, Sam, Puck, Artie, Marley, and Blaine" the girl names Rachel said
Kurt looked at each one of them but the last one caught his attention
He has the most beautiful eyes ever
"Welcome, you guys may take your seats" the teacher said
"Hey, why are you guys here" Will asked
"Don't you guys belong in the loser corner" Kitty laughed
"You know what" Santana went up and pulled Kitty's hair and they started fighting
The shouts of "Stop fighting" were heard
Kurt was aware that the boy he was looking at escaped
"Hey, where are you going" Kurt asked
"Why do you care" the boy didn't face him
"I'm not like my friends, I promise" Kurt told him
The boy faced him "Ok then"
"I'm Kurt" Kurt said
"I'm Blaine" Blaine greeted
"So why are you in the orphanage" Kurt asked
"My parents abandoned me, or that's what I think" Blaine said
"Oh, well I'm sorry" Kurt said
"Why are you being so nice to me" Blaine asked
"I'm not like everyone else here, we can try to be friends" Kurt said
"Well, I mean I don't know" Blaine shrugged
Kurt was about to say something until Quinn said
"Hey Kurt, why are you talking to him"
"Are you talking to a loser" Kitty teased
"Guys, I just" Kurt started
"You know what forget it" Blaine ran away and into the bathroom
"Guys, why are you like this" Kurt asked him
"Are you already in love with him" Quinn raised an eyebrow
"I mean, I like him" Kurt blushed a bit

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