Chapter 17

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Kurt told his friends to take care of Blaine while he went and talked to Blaine's mom and brother
"You should be ashamed of yourself, you don't know how much pain you're causing Blaine" Kurt yelled
"I know, I'm sorry I didn't know" Blaine's mom started
"It took you 7 years to find out your mistake but I suggest you leave because only you being here is causing Blaine to be in pain, and I can't stand to see him like this"  Kurt said
And she did leave but Blaine's brother Cooper stayed behind
"Are you dating my brother" Cooper asked
"Yes, I know I am at a school where practically everyone is almost kind of mean but I really do love Blaine, I love him more than anything" Kurt assured him
"I can tell, the only favor I'm going to ask you to take care of him" And with that note Cooper left
When Kurt arrived back at the orphanage, he saw his friends comforting Blaine
"Could you leave us alone for a while" Kurt asked
"Sure, he really needs you right now" Sam responded for the group
After they had left, Kurt sat on Blaine's bed
"So how are you feeling" Kurt asked
"Terrible" Blaine sniffled
"I'm sorry, you had to go through all that" Kurt told him
"Its fine, I wanted to find out the truth so I did" Blaine shrugged
"I guess the truth hurts sometimes" Kurt sighed
"Yeah, I just thought I could stay strong for this since I handled everyone making me fun of me pretty well but I guess I held in my feelings to much" Blaine said
"Everyone has a point where they need to cry, and its not a bad thing, not everyone is strong" Kurt told him
"You are" Blaine said
"I'm not, when I saw you cry today, I was crying inside, because its killing me to see you this hurt" Kurt admitted
"Its just so hard to tackle the fact that your parents didn't accept you and the only way they could solve that is my getting rid of me" Blaine looked down
"But here, you are loved and you are accepted, you have an amazing group of friends to support you" Kurt said
"What did I do to derserve you" Blaine smiled
"I should really be the one asking you that" Kurt smiled back
"Ha ha very funny" Blaine rolled his eyes
"Anyways, you ready to go back" Kurt stood up
"Yeah" Blaine said getting out of bed
They went to where their friends where
"So how are you doing" Tina asked
"A little better" Blaine said
"So what do we do now" Mercedes asked
"Well, we do have PE next" Kurt said
Everyone groaned
"I thought the drama was over" Sam complained
"Well apprently its not" Mike told him
"From what I heard, we are having a soccer game against Quinn's group, so we can go and show them how well we play" Kurt smiled
"I just want to see her face when her team loses" Blaine admitted
Everyone just started laughing

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