Chapter 7

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"It doesn't look that bad" Kurt tried to reassure Blaine
"Yeah, I guess" Blaine said as he held the ice pack
"You know, we could always go on that date we said we would do" Kurt told him
"Wouldn't we be ditiching" Blaine asked him
"I mean, I don't think the teachers would want you getting hurt again" Kurt said
"I guess its ok, but if we get in trouble, its your fault" Blaine told Kurt
"Hey!!!!!" Kurt complained

When they arrived at a resteraunt, they started to learn more about each other
"So why exactly are you in the orphanage" Kurt asked
"I mean, I always assumed because my parents left me but I feel like its not the real reason" Blaine said
"So you want to investigate" Kurt said
"Yeah, I guess you could say that" Blaine shrugged
"So anyways, I still apologize for the people at the school" Kurt told him
"You know, its ok, I mean fighting would just make things worse so I just deal with the comments, the insults, the pranks" Blaine explained
"But a person as amazing as you doesn't deserve it" Kurt blushed when be said that
Blaine blushed "Wow, I didn't know someone thought of me like that"
"Hold on a minute" Kurt went to a nearby flower stand and bought a bunch of flowers
"Some flowers for our table" Kurt said as he picked a flower from the bunch and gave it to Blaine
"And one for you" Kurt smiled
"Thank you" Blaine blushed even harder
Kurt giggled, he was pretty sure he loved Blaine a lot, he was a person who derserved anything good and derserved to be loved
And Kurt would do anything for him
"So were you in the school for a long time" Blaine asked
"No, I just won a scholorship and went there, it seemed amazing but the people there except Mercedes and Mike are not so nice" Kurt admitted
"Yeah, I love everyone at the orphanage, but I feel like Sam and Tina understand me the most" Blaine said
"Its getting pretty late, I'll take you home" Kurt offered
"What a gentleman" Blaine teased
"Shut up" Kurt smiled
When they arrived at the orphanage, they said goodnight
"Thanks for an amazing day" Blaine thanked Kurt
"Its no problem" Kurt replied
Blaine smiled and then said "See you at"
He couldn't finish his sentence because Kurt kissed him
"Um" Blaine blushed after they pulled away
"See you at school" Kurt smiled
After he left the orphanage, Kurt went back to his room at the school were he was stopped by Mercedes and Mike
"So, how did it go" Mike asked
"It was amazing" Kurt said
"Wait, I understand you being happy but you're a little too happy" Mercedes commented
"I kissed Blaine" Kurt told his friends
Mercedes and Mike just stood there but after a while they begged for all the details but Kurt was distracted by the fun time with Blaine he had

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