Chapter 5

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"So I was right in giving him the note" Kurt asked Mercedes
"Of course, you two can just get to know each other" Mercedes told him
"I feel like I'm coming off too strong" Kurt admitted
"You kind of are" Mercedes agreed
"Shut up" Kurt said
"Anyways, just talk to him, I'm sure he'll say yes" Mercedes suggested
"Who will say yes" Kitty asked
"Why do you always get into my conversations" Kurt asked
"We are your friends" Quinn pointed out
"But still, its none of your buisness" Kurt rolled his eyes
"I bet its Blaine" Finn guessed
"How did you know" Kurt was surprised
"Its pretty obvious" Kitty said
"I heard what you guys did to him, that's not cool" Kurt told them
"Let me tell you this, Blaine's trying to put himself at a level that doesn't quite correspond to him, yes he may be the smartest in the class but he's still a loser and an orphanage kid" Quinn explained
"Just stop ok, I've had enough" Kurt then left
He went to the orphanage and did the same thing he did every night for the past few weeks
"Hey, you awake" Kurt whispered
"Yeah, I mean you almost do this everyday" Blaine told him from out the window
"Do you mind if you come down, I need to ask you something" Kurt told him
"If I go down the stairs, everyone is going to know I'm awake" Blaine said
"Then come down from the window" Kurt suggested
"What" Blaine looked shocked
"Look if you trip, I'll catch you" Kurt said
Blaine then started climbing out the window, he was almost to the ground when he tripped but luckily Kurt caught him
"Um" Blaine blushed a bit
"Oh sorry" Kurt set him down
"Anyways, what did you want to ask me" Blaine said
"Did you receive a note from me today" Kurt asked
"Yeah, I was thinking about it" Blaine started
"And" Kurt hoped he said yes
"I wouldn't mind going somewhere, maybe after school" Blaine suggested
"Its a date" Kurt smiled
"Oh ok" Blaine blushed even more
"Well, I better go now, people are going to start making a fuss of where I've been" Kurt said
"Yeah, I'm just going to go through the stairs, I think going up the window is a little too dangerous" Blaine said
"Goodnight" Kurt then left and went back to tell Mercedes of his conversation
"What did he say" Mercedes asked
"He said yes" Kurt smiled
"See, I told you its going to work out, now just take your time and really get to know each other" Mercedes gave him some advice
"Thanks, this is one of the best days ever" Kurt said

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