Chapter 20

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It was the day of Blaine's birthday and the party was going extremely well
"So when are the others going to arrive" Blaine asked
"Somewhere around now" Santana checked her phone
"They're here" Tina said
"Let's go greet them birthday boy" Sam told Blaine
They went outside to where the rest of their friends where
"Surprise" Kurt smiled at Blaine
"Hi" Blaine said
"Happy Birthday" Mike gave Blaine his present
"More bowties" Blaine looked at them
"It was Tina's idea since I didn't know what to give you" Mike said
"Thank you" Blaine said
"Here you go birthday boy" Mercedes then gave her present
"Thanks for the music cds" Blaine smiled
"No problem" Mercedes told him
"Happy birthday Blaine" Brittany handed Blaine a picture frame
"The picture from our winter break trip, thanks" Blaine smiled
"Now my present, I'm going to show you later but I did make you a cake" Kurt smiled at the memory
"Just like the first day we met" Blaine loved thinking about the memory
"Yep" Kurt nodded
"Ok, not to ruin your moment but let's get this party started" Sam went back inside
Blaine laughed as all their friends went inside to have fun
But they ran into problems
"I told you Blaine was going to invite the kids from the school" Rachel said
"But I didn't think he was that oblivious" Percy shrugged
"You guys, stop its Blaine's birthday and he deserves to be happy" Santana told them
"Exactly and besides Kurt, Mercedes, Mike, and Brittany are super nice" Artie added
"We just want you to be safe" Puck told Blaine
"I know I may be a little oblivious to certain things but Mercedes, Mike, and Brittany are some of my best friends and Kurt, well he's my boyfriend" Blaine explained
Everyone who didn't know this was in absolute shock
"Let's just get this party going" Sam played music and everyone started either talking or dancing
"Do you mind if I show you your present now" Kurt asked Blaine
"Yeah, I want to know what you got me" Blaine said
They decided to go into one of the spare rooms since anyone could find them in Blaine's room
"So I know we've only been dating for a few months but we've made so many memories and with that I made this picture book" Kurt handed Blaine a book
Blaine opened the book and saw all the pictures they had taken together and as he went through it, his eyes started tearing up
"I love it" Blaine smiled
"Happy birthday" Kurt kissed Blaine
And you all know what happened next
But anyways, it was probably one of the best birthdays of Blaine's entire life

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