Chapter Seventeen: The Best (or Worst) Birthday Ever

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Three days after Torolf and his tribe left Malicious Island, Thora woke up to a most wonderful surprise. Iona and Skye had gotten up early and made breakfast for Thora because it was her birthday! Thora was very surprised and happy. She was fourteen today. Leif came in and announced that tonight the whole village would have a party to celebrate. Thora was overjoyed. Today was going to be perfect. Or was it?

She did all of her chores happily and carefree. She gathered lots of food for the banquet and fish for Einar. When she visited Einar, he could tell she was very happy. She scratched under his chin.

When she rode him, she learned how to make him shoot fire. If she rubbed the bottom of his throat, he shot a big burning ball. Wow! But she wasn't going to need him to shoot fire. Or would she?

When she skipped back to the village, people were nervous. There were some big ships sailing toward the Isles.

On the biggest ship, Torolf the Cruel was standing at the prow of the boat. He narrowed his eyes and said, "It ends today." The ships turned toward the harbor and a gust of wind blew them forward.

Leif was called. He stumbled in surprise when he saw the approaching Viking longboats. Iona ran to him. He was pale.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Torolf," he whispered.

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