Lucky and Not So Lucky

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Ashley's POV

Andy and I ran through the hospital looking for a nurse that could direct us to Jake's room. In the past day, I've seen my love and my band-brother bloody in an ambulance. I just hoped Jake was okay.

Andy and I bumped into a nurse and Andy asked urgently, "Our friend...O-our friend was shot and he was i-in surgery the last we heard of him. Two others were in the w-wating room before, uh.....we need to know where his r-room-"

"Andy..."I interrupted him. He was taking this very hard; we all were.

"Last name?" the nurse asked in a happy-go-lucky tone that almost made me have a moment of peace in our situation.

Andy's voice brought me back to reality, "Pitts. H-his name is Jake....he's in our band." As the nurse looked at the papers on the pink clipboard she was carrying, I placed my arm around Andy, trying to help him feel a bit better. We were all pretty shaken up; with Andy this bad right now, I'd hate to see how Jinxx was taking this right now.

"Ah, Mr. Pitts is in room B4, right down that hall there. He's out of surgery and two men by the names Jinxx and CC are with him now." the nurse responded. With that, Andy and I raced down the hallway to where Jake's room was. We opened the door and saw Jake; he was pale and I could see that there were bandages wrapped around his torso under his hospital gown where the bullet hit him. But he was awake. He was alive. Jinxx was sitting in a chair to the right of his bed holding onto Jake's hand for dear life while CC was passed out asleep in a chair to the left of his bed.

The door closing behind us both got Jake and Jinxx attention as well as waking up CC. "Hey guys......" CC greeted us still waking himself up.

"Hey CC. Hey Jake; how are you doing?" Andy asked.

"I'm pretty damn good....considering." He responded.

Jinxx turned to face us and it was evident he had been crying for a while before. "He is being released later on today actually. The bullet went through and through; he got lucky thank God." He informed us before turning right back around. They've been really close lately and I thought it was really kinda cute; I mean.....I'd support it if they got together.

"I'm so glad you are okay, Jake. With everyone here, I'm going to go be with Sawyer; she was worried about you." I said as I made my way out the door.

Before I exited the room, Jake said, "Make sure she knows that none of this was her fault, Ash." I nodded and made my way towards Sawyer's room. But that's when I realized all the commotion going on around her door and the nurses' desk.

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