Worry and Desperation

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Ashley's POV

If he called her "my Sawyer" one more time, I was going to kill him. At that point, he agreed to let in a medic or something to check on everybody and let out the nurse; but he still had Sawyer in there. How am I such a bad boyfriend! I just had to leave her room.

Then, the rest of the band came to me and their smiles quickly turned to confusion and fear. Jinxx asked, "Hey, Jake was just released, where is Sawyer? Can we see her? What's going on around here?"

Andy then asked, "You look like hell; were you crying? I-is Sawyer...."

I shook my head, "No, no....but......that asshole Robert is back and he's holding S-Sawyer hostage in her room with a nurse. She c-can't move.....s-she is still h-hooked up to all the machines and things....she c-can't fight back." The tears began to fall again and I was then embraced in a hug by all the guys who were all not dry eyed either.

"Alright, we are sending him in now." I heard someone say.

Sawyer's POV

The door opened to reveal another man, dressed in a button up shirt and slacks; not what I'd expect a medic to be wearing. I looked out and saw the whole band, my boyfriend and brothers, out there hugging one another. As the door was closing, they broke from their hug and looked into the room at me, all of them crying. Then, the door shut leaving us again with our "medic".

The new arrival placed his hands up and said, "Hey, Robert. My name is Anthony. I am just here to make sure everyone is okay and to take the nurse outside. It was right to let me in here. Everything will be taken care of and over before you know it; okay, you will be okay, Robert." I feel like the last part was directed at me and maybe the nurse rather than at Robert.

Anthony placed his hand in the nurse's and the other on her back steadying her towards the door but was interrupted by Robert saying, "I know you aren't a medic. You are probably a cop, right?", his stutter was gone and he sounded even more psychotic than before, "Yeah, well, let the nurse go, she didn't send you in here. But you lied. You are not a medic, you lied; so you have to stay in here with me and my girl." He pressed the gun further into my temple making me flinch.

Immediately, Anthony responded, "Alright, alright, Robert, let's calm down. I'll let her go and stay but how about you point your gun at me? How about that? You are in complete control; a gun pointed at me will ensure no one will do anything against you, Robert. Like you said, I'm a cop." Robert slowly raised his gun and pointed it at Anthony as he opened the door and let the nurse go, allowing me to see the boys again staring at me with so much sympathy and worry.

Before he shut the door, Anthony said, "Listen, Robert, we...we don't really need to keep Sawyer here with us.", At this, the guys all had looks of desperation that he would agree and let me go, "How about we get her into a wheelchair and get her out of here and you and I can work this all out."

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