It Was All Over

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Ashley's POV

Please just let her go; I really hope he will let her go.

He let the nurse go and she ran towards the police officers standing by and I could see my Sawyer in her hospital bed staring at us, her eyes pleasing for help. I wanted to hold her so badly. Then, Anthony pleaded to Robert to let her go, and all of our heads perked up and we just watched the scene unfold.

Robert looked really mad as he responded, "Why are you trying to take her from me! This is my mission!" He moved the gun so that it was pointed at Sawyer's head. Not thinking, I tried to run towards the room, but the guys held me back as I called her name. She stared into my eyes and I could tell all she wanted to say was I love you.

"Alright, let's get them out of here, now." a police officer said as we were all lead away from the room, me yelling all the way out into the parking lot. There were policemen, nurses and doctors, and even a few patients out in the parking lot of the hospital.

"Do you think she will be okay?" CC asked in a worried tone.

"She has to be." I responded; if Sawyer didn't make it out of this, I would never forgive myself.

Sawyer's POV

They escorted Ash and the guys from the hospital and now it was just Robert, me, and the cops and detectives. I smiled a little; Ash and the guys really care about me, Ash was about to run over and try and save me. I also smiled because I noticed Jake and Jinxx were holding hands again; they were doing that a lot lately.

"Why are you all happy?" Robert asked, pulling me from my happy thoughts.

"'s just, I know even if I don't survive won't get away with it. My friends care about me too much to let that happen." I responded, with confidence that I did not know I had in me.

"Shut up, you bitch!" Robert responded.

"Let's end this Robert." Anthony said, "I left the door open so you could see that we have cops here....they are....uh" Anthony didn't know what to say to try and talk Robert down. He probably didn't know anything about him except for his brothers until right now.

I gulped, and then tried to help, "These cops, Robert.....they were sent here by your father......your's over now."

Anthony looked gratefully at me and said, "She's right, Robert, your father told us to stop you from completing your mission because he has something else he wants you to do."

Robert slowly lowered his gun and asked, questioningly, "M-my father sent you? What is my new mission?"

"He told us to take you with us down to the police station so that you can help us..." Anthony responded.

I made up something on the spot, something that I knew Robert just couldn't resist, "They need your help, Robert.........with me.....", he looked at me questioningly as did Anthony, "They want you to go to the station with them so that they can give both of us a ride back to your house....w-we have unfinished business....d-don't we Robert?" His eyes met mine and they did not leave them; they did not notice that Anthony had moved right behind him.

With quick movements, Anthony took the gun and slammed Robert to the ground, cuffed his hands behind his back. "You let me go! I thought my father sent you!" Robert shouted as he was stood back up.

"Nope. Sorry Robert." Anthony responded as two more policemen came into the room and took Robert away......they took Robert away.

"Are you okay, Sawyer?" Anthony asked me; I had not realized that I was crying.

"I-I can't believe this is all finally o-over." I responded.

He smiled and responded, "This is over, but you will probably be in the hospital a bit longer with security outside your room at all times just in case."

I nodded and the tears kept flowing as I asked, "Ash....where is my boyfriend? I want Ash and the guys. Please can you let them back in the hospital? Please?"

He nodded and exited my room. It was all over.

This Is Where It Ends("My Saviours" - Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now