Stronger Than Ever (11)

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I can't stop thinking

What if they're talking about me

I blare music in my ears

In a poor attempt to make the voices stop

Its not working

Someone please make them stop

I can't stop shaking

I don't have a reason to feel this way


Why can't they just shut up

For once in my life

Why can't the voices stop

I shouldn't be feeling like this

"Anxiety isn't real, you're just a weak person..."


Words rattle around in my head

"Stupid, weak, faggot, little girl, slow"

Everything that I've ever been called all comes back to me

Screaming inside my head

Peoples laughter comes into my head

I don't even know whose it is

It's unbearable

Yet somehow I live with it

I live with all of this

And more

My paranoia doesn't quit

It's always there

I am a strong warrior

I've been through storms and made it out the other side

But every warrior has their Achilles heel

This is mine

I live through the pain of it

And it strengthens me

But sometimes it feels like it's breaking me instead

But I will get stronger

I will live through it

And come out of the storm

Stronger than ever

Even if I break in the middle of the storm

I will be stronger than ever

When I come out the other side

Okay people. This one is...its probably the most personal thing that I will ever publish to be completely honest. That's all I have to say. 

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